.NET C# I need to do an Auth, then capture that Auth with the CIM. I create the PriorAuthCaptureType and then try to get a CustomerProfileTransResponse but it blows up giving me a null exception when I submit it the PriorAuthCaptureType. I do have a problem with the other ProfileTransTypes. Everthing compiles and builds OK. Any suggestions ? I pasted the method I have below.
public createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse CaptureCustomerProfile(string customerProfileId, string customerPaymentProfileId, string transId, decimal Amount, string apiLogin, string merchantKey) { HttpXmlUtility httpXmlUtility = new HttpXmlUtility(ServiceMode.Live, apiLogin, merchantKey); profileTransPriorAuthCaptureType _transCaptureOnly = new profileTransPriorAuthCaptureType(); _transCaptureOnly.transId = transId; _transCaptureOnly.amount = Amount; _transCaptureOnly.customerPaymentProfileId = customerPaymentProfileId; _transCaptureOnly.customerProfileId = customerProfileId; profileTransactionType _transactionType = new profileTransactionType(); _transactionType.Item = _transCaptureOnly; createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest _request = new createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest(); _request.transaction = _transactionType; createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse _response = (createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse)httpXmlUtility.Send(_request); return _response; }
I see that you have
HttpXmlUtility(ServiceMode.Live, apiLogin, merchantKey);
Is this a test account or live/production account?
07-10-2014 07:57 AM
This is using a live account.
I have not had issues with the other profileTransactionTypes.
Thx for reading
07-10-2014 08:03 AM
Code look ok.
It getting null because it try to parse the respone, you can see the code in
It probably getting one of the E????? error, read the CIM xml
If other transactiontype works, my guess would be the transactionID, can you login to the merchant account and see if the transactionID is valid?
07-10-2014 08:22 AM
I am getting a .NET null error. The Exxx error I am well familiar with, but I dont get as far the response. .NET throws the no istance of the object and things kak. I am using similar code for other TransTypes and I get a response to parse. If I use the captue only it works fine but that creates another transaction.
I have merchant access and the profile, transID data is all good. I wish I was getting the Exxx error cause then I know the where to look.
This has me stumped.
07-10-2014 12:11 PM
If you run debug, the error was on https://github.com/AuthorizeNet/sdk-dotnet/blob/master/Authorize.NET/Utility/HttpXmlUtility.cs
The response is null
public ANetApiResponse Send(ANetApiRequest apiRequest) {
Download the source and change it to get the Exxxxx error.
Or just skip the SDKs and use the web service interface.
07-10-2014 12:25 PM
Please correct me if I am wrong but I did not see a priorAuthCapture in the CustomerGateway Interface.
07-10-2014 04:10 PM
public IGatewayResponse PriorAuthCapture
It there
07-10-2014 04:16 PM
Thank you for the replys. Lol, helps if I use the most recent Auhtorize.dll. I now have the PriorAuthCapture in the Gateway. I made a call directly thru the gateway and I am still getting the null exception. I know the customer parameters are correct as well as the transactionId.
Any suggestions? I will set load the source code and see where it is dumping
07-10-2014 05:51 PM
OK - Learned something new. You cannot capture a prior auth with CIM that was not orginally created with that CIM profile. I am doing the auth, creating the CIM profile, then going back and trying to capture that auth with the new CIM profile. Doesn't work. So I would consider this immediate issue closed.
Now.. What would be the suggested means to handle that scenario?
07-11-2014 05:45 AM