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Problem with previously working OSCommerce installation and SIM Processing



I had a previously working installation of OSCommerce working with SIM processing. As far as I know nothing has changed. Orders stopped processing through our website. When trying to complete a transaction

on the following page, I get the error "An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error.".


After discussing this in chat, they were able to point me to a page which did not provide any help. . I do not think the transaction is timing out, since it takes less than a second after hitting the submit button to get the error back.


I verified that the x_relay_url hidden field on is getting properly populated and the URLs for both the reposnse/recepit URLS both load from a web browser and are accessible. I even tried changing them to other URLS which load on the website, but that did not change the error message.


I am not sure what my next step should be to troubleshoot why the transactions stopped working. Any help would be great.




Thanks for your help. That was the only thing I can think of, possibly a blacklisted IP address somewhere. Is it possible for to even do that? The person I talked to in Chat didnt mention this at all.


From other users I heard people getting 408-409 errors when trying to access our website. Maybe tried to redirect the user back to the store and they got a 408-409 and then blacklisted us?


Thanks again for your help. I am not too sure where to turn next.

I have a client that is in the middle of the same problem.

On my client's behalf, I contacted Network Solutions, and they told me that they've had latency problems with their servers. This would cause the time-outs from (There is a 10-second time-out, which should be more than sufficient.) Network Solutions said the latency problem should be fixed in a few days. A few days later, I was still experiencing the same problem. That is, customers would try to make a payment and be told that there is a problem with the site, and I would get an email saying that the transaction timed out.

This time, I pulled the activity logs from Network Solutions and found out that there was no incoming connection from Nothing. Nada. It wasn't a matter of latency; it was a matter of being blocked by a firewall at Network Solutions. Armed with this new information, I approached Network Solutions, and suddenly their story changed. They said that they had received some malicious traffic from and therefore blocked them in the firewall. However, for $70, they would pay a technician to resolve the situation in a few days.

I smell a rat. This is the latest in a series of issues I've experienced with Network Solutions. I told my client that I can switch him over to a more reputable ISP, like GoDaddy, in a few days. As soon as he gives me the go-ahead, it's adios Network Solutions.

Thanks very much for your input. I knew this couldnt be a problem with just us. I think I am just going to move the hosting away from netsol and over to someone else. I know our netsol email has been terrible over the last month also and we are in the process of moving that too.

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