Came into a weird situation, where I would be rebuilding a solution, but need to do some unexpected troubleshooting on current system. Not too familiar with VB or ASP and really dont know where to start. Anyways...
Transaction processes, but will not show approved transaction message to customer making purchase. Need help.
Thank You so much.
Function process_books_pay() bkid = Request.Form("bkid") call openConn03("C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\private\data.mdb") set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM BookList WHERE BK_ID = '" & bkid &"'") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof bkname = rs("BK_NAME") books_pkgorsin=rs("BK_TYPE") If Request.Form("booktype") = "online_and_hardcopy" then If debugmode="1" then ssl_amount="0.02" Else ssl_amount=rs("BK_PRICE_PHYS") End if 'Start Unlimited Pricing ElseIf Request.Form("booktype") = "unlimited_online" then If debugmode="1" then ssl_amount="0.03" Else ssl_amount=rs("BK_UNLIMITED_PRICE") End if 'END Unlimited Pricing 'Start Unlimited Pricing ElseIf Request.Form("booktype") = "hardcopy_only" then If debugmode="1" then ssl_amount="0.04" Else ssl_amount=rs("BK_PRICE_PHYSONLY") End if 'END Unlimited Pricing Else If debugmode="1" then ssl_amount="0.01" Else ssl_amount=rs("BK_PRICE") End if end if rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if call set_buystr(ssl_amount, "CMI Book: " & bkname & "[Type: " & Request.Form("booktype") & "]") call combine_xml() if ssl_amount = "" then Response.write "Training Material does not appear to have a price at this moment, please contact us or try at a later time." else '------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUN TRANSACTION If RunTransAction(xml_charge_str) = "1" then 'Customer Approved and The Account Creation of addition takes place 'Add approved customer to reseller database If reseller_uid = "" then else set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM BookList WHERE BK_ID = '" & bkid & "'") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst 'do While not rs.eof resellerbookname = rs("BK_NAME") rs.movenext 'loop rs.Close end if 'call closeConn03() 'call openConn03("C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\private\partner.mdb") resellerpointid = "PD" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() dbc99.execute("INSERT INTO partner_data (PD_ID,PD_PID,PD_PRODID,PD_PRONAME,PD_PRODTYPE,PD_CONFIRMED,PD_TIMEAD,PD_TIMECONFIRMED,PD_GROSS,PD_METHOD) VALUES('" & resellerpointid & "','" & reseller_uid & "','" & bkid & "','" & resellerbookname & "','" & Request.Form("booktype") & "','1','" & FormatDateTime(now(), 0) & "','" & FormatDateTime(now(), 0) & "','" & ssl_amount & "','Bank')") end if 'call closeConn03() 'restore connection to the books database for further operations 'call openConn03("C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\private\data.mdb") email_subject = "CAD BOOKS CC Transaction: APPROVED" strmsg = "STATE: APPROVED " & now() & vbcrlf & "TXN_ID: " & txnid & vbcrlf & "Book Type: " & Request.Form("booktype") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "BookName: " & bkname & vbcrlf & "BookID: " & bkid & vbcrlf &"Machine Response From CC: " & v_xml(arraybase) & vbcrlf & "--------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Billing Info: "& vbcrlf & v_xml(xml_charge_str) Call SendEmailMessage("",adminemail,email_subject,strmsg) strmsg = "" email_subject = "" cmibookgen_curbooktype = Request.Form("booktype") If Cstr(cmibookgen_curbooktype) = Cstr("hardcopy_only") then Response.Redirect("") else 'Response.write "test: " & Request.Form("booktype") & " \ " & cmibookgen_curbooktype cmibookgen_curbooktype = Cstr(cmibookgen_curbooktype) cmibookgen(bkid) end if Else 'Customer Card Declined email_subject = "CAD BOOKS CC Transaction: DECLINED" strmsg = "STATE: DECLINED " & now() & vbcrlf & "Book Type: " & Request.Form("booktype") & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "BookName: " & bkname & "BookID: " & bkid & "ErrorCode: " & errCode & vbcrlf & "ErrorMsg: " & errMessage & vbcrlf & "ErrorCode2: " & errCode2 & vbcrlf & "ErrorMsg2: " & errMessage2 & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Machine Response From CC: " & v_xml(arraybase) & vbcrlf & "--------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Billing Info: "& vbcrlf & v_xml(xml_charge_str) Call SendEmailMessage("",adminemail,email_subject,strmsg) strmsg = "" email_subject = "" 'Response.write "Transaction Declined" Response.Redirect("") End if '------------------------------------------------------------------------------END TRANSACTION end if End Function Function cmibookgen(id) cmibookgenmode = cmibookgen_curbooktype lastid = "0" If cmibookgen_curbooktype = "unlimited_online" then getusernamematch = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_USERNAME = '" & ssl_email &"' AND USR_MULTILOGIN = '1'" Else getusernamematch = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_USERNAME = '" & ssl_email &"' AND USR_MULTILOGIN = '0'" End if set rs = dbc03.execute(getusernamematch) if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof userexists = 1 USERID = rs("USR_ID") newusrpass = rs("USR_PASSWORD") usr_username = rs("usr_username") multilogin = rs("USR_MULTILOGIN") rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if 'checker for existing email in the database set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_USERNAME = '" & ssl_email &"'") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof userexists = 1 rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if 'end checker for existing email in the database If cmibookgen_curbooktype = "unlimited_online" then getusername_email = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_EMAIL = '" & ssl_email &"' AND USR_MULTILOGIN = '1'" Else getusername_email = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_EMAIL = '" & ssl_email &"' AND USR_MULTILOGIN = '0'" End if set rs = dbc03.execute(getusername_email) if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof userexists = 1 USERID = rs("USR_ID") newusrpass = rs("USR_PASSWORD") usr_username = rs("usr_username") multilogin = rs("USR_MULTILOGIN") rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if 'checker if any email is taken set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE USR_EMAIL = '" & ssl_email &"'") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof userexists = 1 rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if 'end checker If userexists = 1 then If cmibookgen_curbooktype = "unlimited_online" then if multilogin = "1" then else newusrpass = "TPASS" & RandomNumber_Short() cmibooks_multilogin = "1" USERID = "USERID" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() unlimited_usr = ssl_email & RandomNumber_Short() makerecord = "INSERT INTO Users (USR_ID,USR_USERNAME,USR_PASSWORD,USR_GROUP,USR_NAME,USR_ENABLED,USR_MULTILOGIN,USR_EMAIL,USR_DATE) VALUES ('" & USERID & "','" & unlimited_usr & "','" & newusrpass & "','USRGRP001','" & ssl_first_name & " " & ssl_last_name & "','1','" & cmibooks_multilogin & "','" & ssl_email & "',#" & date() & "#)" dbc03.execute(makerecord) newaccount_created = "1" end if else if multilogin = "0" then else newusrpass = "TPASS" & RandomNumber_Short() cmibooks_multilogin = "0" USERID = "USERID" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() unlimited_usr = ssl_email & RandomNumber_Short() newusrpass = "TPASS" & RandomNumber_Short() makerecord = "INSERT INTO Users (USR_ID,USR_USERNAME,USR_PASSWORD,USR_GROUP,USR_NAME,USR_ENABLED,USR_MULTILOGIN,USR_EMAIL,USR_DATE) VALUES ('" & USERID & "','" & unlimited_usr & "','" & newusrpass & "','USRGRP001','" & ssl_first_name & " " & ssl_last_name & "','1','" & cmibooks_multilogin & "','" & ssl_email & "',#" & date() &"#)" dbc03.execute(makerecord) newaccount_created = "1" end if end if else USERID = "USERID" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() newusrpass = "TPASS" & RandomNumber_Short() Response.write strConn02 If cmibookgen_curbooktype = "unlimited_online" then cmibooks_multilogin = "1" else cmibooks_multilogin = "0" end if makerecord = "INSERT INTO Users (USR_ID,USR_USERNAME,USR_PASSWORD,USR_GROUP,USR_NAME,USR_ENABLED,USR_MULTILOGIN,USR_EMAIL,USR_DATE) VALUES ('" & USERID & "','" & ssl_email & "','" & newusrpass & "','USRGRP001','" & ssl_first_name & " " & ssl_last_name & "','1','" & cmibooks_multilogin & "','" & ssl_email & "',#" & date() & "#)" dbc03.execute(makerecord) End If 'lastid = 0 if books_pkgorsin = "pkg" then 'start of Adding Package Assets test_string = "SELECT * FROM pkg_contents WHERE pkgc_pkgid = '" & id & "' order by pkgc_ordid ASC" set rs40 = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM pkg_contents WHERE pkgc_pkgid = '" & id & "' order by pkgc_ordid ASC") if rs40.eof then else rs40.MoveFirst do While not rs40.eof set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM UserAssets WHERE USRAS_USRID = '" & USERID &"' ORDER BY USRAS_ORDID DESC") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof lastid = rs("USRAS_ORDID") rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if lastid = lastid + 1 set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM PKG_TITLES WHERE PKG_ID = '" & id & "'") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof bk_pkg_name = rs("PKG_NAME") rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if makerecord = "INSERT INTO UserAssets (USRAS_ID,USRAS_USRID,USRAS_BKID,USRAS_ORDID,USRAS_PKGID,USRAS_PKNAME,USRAS_DATE) VALUES ('USRAS" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() & "','" & USERID & "','" & rs40("pkgc_bkid") & "','" & lastid & "','" & rs40("pkgc_pkgid") & "','" & bk_pkg_name & "',#" & date() &"#)" dbc03.execute(makerecord) rs40.movenext loop rs40.Close end if 'end of Adding Package Assets else 'Start of Adding Assets set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM UserAssets WHERE USRAS_USRID = '" & USERID &"' ORDER BY USRAS_ORDID DESC") if rs.eof then else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof lastid = rs("USRAS_ORDID") rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if lastid = lastid + 1 USRAS = "USRAS" & Month(now()) & Day(now()) & Right(Year(Date),2) & Hour(now()) & Minute(now()) & Second(now()) & RandomNumber() 'check if asset for this use already exists, if exist do not add, if EOF add it set rs = dbc03.execute("SELECT * FROM UserAssets WHERE USRAS_USRID = '" & USERID &"' AND USRAS_BKID = '" & id & "' ORDER BY USRAS_ORDID ASC") if rs.eof then makerecord = "INSERT INTO UserAssets (USRAS_ID,USRAS_USRID,USRAS_BKID,USRAS_ORDID,USRAS_DATE) VALUES ('" & USRAS & "','" & USERID & "','" & id & "','" & lastid & "',#" & date() & "#)" dbc03.execute(makerecord) else rs.MoveFirst do While not rs.eof rs.movenext loop rs.Close end if 'End of Adding Single Assets end if If userexists = 1 then If cmibookgen_curbooktype = "unlimited_online" then email_subject = "Thank you for your purchase!" strmsg = "Welcome to Online CAD Training! " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your account awaits you. You can log into your account at " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Please note that the charges for your purchase will appear under CAD Masters." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your Login Credentials are: " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Username: " if Cstr(newaccount_created) = "1" then strmsg = strmsg & unlimited_usr & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass else strmsg = strmsg & usr_username & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass end if else email_subject = "Thank you for your purchase!" strmsg = "Thank you for buying an additional training material." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Please note that the charges for your purchase will appear under CAD Masters." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & " The training material has been added to your account. You can log into your account at" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your Login Credentials are: " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Username: " if Cstr(newaccount_created) = "1" then strmsg = strmsg & unlimited_usr & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass else strmsg = strmsg & usr_username & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass end if end if Else if newaccount_created = "1" then email_subject = "Thank you for your purchase!" strmsg = "Welcome to Online CAD Training! " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your account awaits you. You can log into your account at " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Please note that the charges for your purchase will appear under CAD Masters." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your Login Credentials are: " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Username: " & unlimited_usr & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass else email_subject = "Welcome to Online CAD Training!" strmsg = "Welcome to Online CAD Training! " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your account awaits you. You can log into your account at " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Please note that the charges for your purchase will appear under CAD Masters." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your Login Credentials are: " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Username: " if usr_username = "" then strmsg = strmsg & ssl_email & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass else strmsg = strmsg & usr_username & vbcrlf & "Password: " & newusrpass end if end if End if Call SendEmailMessage("",ssl_email,email_subject,strmsg) 'Response.write "test:" & cmibookgen_curbooktype 'if debugmode = 1 then 'Response.write test_string 'else Response.Redirect("") 'end if End Function
โ05-27-2016 11:01 AM
It this DPM or SIM? the relay response only wait 10 seconds, if your asp or VB took longer, it will timeout.
โ05-27-2016 12:54 PM
It throws a 500 Internal Server Error when you click place order, but redirects properly when card is declined
โ05-27-2016 01:35 PM
Doesn't sound like an issue with
You might be able to debug your code by posting data to your page. Read the SIM guide
starting on page 67 Fields in the Payment GatewayResponse
โ05-27-2016 02:51 PM