As per you document CIM_XML_guide.pdf page no: 107,
Designing Your Web Page
In three ways we are using first way of Authorize.Net Payment Gateway i.e., direct the customer to Authorize.Net to manage payments and shipping all on one page.
Here we are able to see your sample page as you show in document.
My Questions:
1. Can we add my web site logo header and footer?
2. Can we change the back ground color?
3. In Add a New Payment Method Can we hide the Bank Account (USA only) radio button?
Please do need full.
01-16-2014 10:22 PM
Hello @KSGRao ,
In answer to questions 1 and 2, when using the CIM Hosted forms, it is not possible to modify the design or change the fields
eCheck only appears if your account has the service enabled, which the sandbox has by default. We can disable the eCheck Service in your sandbox and eliminate the Bank Account option in the hosted form if you send a request to Please include your sandbox Payment Gateway ID in question.
01-17-2014 08:37 AM
Can we hide the Shipping Information [Add a New Shipping Address]?
01-22-2014 08:42 AM
As mentioned above, it is not currently possible to modify the CIM hosted payment form.
01-22-2014 09:56 AM
Are these CIM limitations going to be addressed in the near term? Here is my analysis of CIM from a post I made elsewhere earlier today:
I find this CIM to be lacking features:
It seems for the CIM to be fully effective, it wants me to manage the account from my application, have them enter the credit card details on MY application and then push that information to But that defeats the purpose, requires me to install SSL, which I was trying to avoid in this situation.
04-13-2014 03:08 PM
Hello @stzoid
Thanks for the feedback about not being able to modify the fields.
There are multiple versions of the hosted form that you can present to the user:
If you only wish to store a single card, using createPayment and then editPayment should work for you.
04-14-2014 03:54 PM
I worked thorugh that and get "Customer Information Manager is not enabled." when trying to access. I have read comments on this error and will probably be able to resolve. I appreciate your assistance, but also wanted to say your documentation in this area is really dispursed and incomplete, difficult for a new developer even though I have tons of API experience.
04-14-2014 07:17 PM