I've come across an issue when refunding using the AIM integration.
The scenario is as follows;
Make a payment using a card that is about to expire. Card expires in few days and now the card owner has received the renewed card with an updated expiry date. A merchant attempt to credit this card for a transaction that is done before the card owner received the renewed card.
My understanding is a credit fails for such a transaction. In such a scenario, would the passing of new X_EXP_DATE along with the credit request do?
Or will we have to use Unlinked Credit for this purpose?
I could not find an answer to this in the manual or in the forum. Thanks in advance for any explanation.
08-26-2012 11:26 PM
On the Refund transaction
** The expiration date is only required for Unlinked Credits.
08-27-2012 04:21 AM
According to above information the credit will not accept the new expiry date. If that is the case how should a credit process?
08-27-2012 06:18 AM
The way I read it, is that you don't send the exp date at all unless it is a unlink credit.
08-27-2012 06:53 AM
My problem now is that once the card expired, (User receives a renewed card but that details are not in AIM. It still has the old exp date that was submitted with the auth transaction.) AIM does not allow to process a refund (credit) on that transaction.
What should be the way to credit that card in such a scenario?
08-28-2012 04:16 AM
What error(response code, response reason code) are you getting when that happened? It might need to be a unlinked credit.
08-28-2012 04:25 AM
Response codes as follows;
response code - 3, response reason code - 8
1. Is it that there is no way of doing this without doing an unlinked credit?
2. If its going to be unlinked credit, how do we enable it for test account? The manual asks to submit a form for production systems.
08-28-2012 09:55 AM
1)I don't see how without sending a new exp date if it returning response 3,8
2)It enable by default on the test account.
08-28-2012 11:04 AM
2)if it not enable contact developer@authorize.net
08-28-2012 11:33 AM