I keep getting errors when I try to use variables instead of inserting exact details. Here is my current code:
request = CreateTransactionRequest.new
@amount = session[:form_total]
request.transactionRequest = TransactionRequestType.new()
request.transactionRequest.amount = @amount
request.transactionRequest.payment = PaymentType.new
request.transactionRequest.payment.creditCard = CreditCardType.new('4111111111111111','0220','123')
request.transactionRequest.transactionType = TransactionTypeEnum::AuthCaptureTransaction
For this example, it gives me an error that a valid amount is required. The issue is that it isn't just there. In CreditCardType.new, you'll see in this example that there are test numbers. Those work. However, if I replace them with variables, it will not work and will give me an error for that as well.
Any ideas? Thank you!
11-14-2017 05:51 PM
Hi @camerson2017,
The reason why you are getting this error is because 'amount' is not a normal variable in your case. It is an instance variable. Getting and setting instance variable is a bit different in case of ruby. The change is only reflected after it is instantiated via calling class method or while the instantiation of a class. Here's is an example:
class Hi def callme @hello = "hello" end endh = Hi.new p h.instance_variables h.callmep h.instance_variables # Output [] ["@hello"]
Hope this helps!
12-28-2017 01:50 AM