Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

error E00003. invalid child element 'amount' in json.

I just created a sandbox account and am just getting started with integrating with our FileMaker database. I'm getting the following error, but I'm pretty sure that 'amount' is supposed to be a child element of transactionRequest... Wha...


.NET API endpoint

In using the .NET compiled .dll from NuGet it seems the endpoint is hard coded in. Is there a method to passin the endpoint? Such as from an appsettings key? Thx

Reading Back Merchant Defined Fields Solved

New to the community and tried searching for teh answer, but I am lost and hoping to get some help. I am using the sample code so far and got everything working as needed in my project ALTHOUGH I am trying to find out how to display the merchant defi...

We're getting resultErrorCode: E00027...

We're getting resultErrorCode: E00027 with additional errorCode: 256 in "createTransactionResponse"Is there any way to debug this and understand the core reason behind this reponse?


In-App Nonce Request

Hello, I'm working on an idea of incorporating our business' online store into our C# application (a simulation game used on desktop Windows machines), due to many of our customers requesting an easier way of purchasing our add-on products. I figured...

Get Accept Customer Profile Page

Hi All In my application am using the Get Accept Customer Profile Page for managing my customers. But when there are multiple payment profile details shown, how to enable the user to set one as default from the same? And am trying to get rid o...

PHP SDK: Fatal error - running sample code. Solved

I am getting the following exception when trying to run sample PHP charge-credit-card.php code. Not sure what's going on. What this error is about? Here is the screenshot of error. Here is the code which I am u...

Issue with accented characters

When trying to sumbit a payment transaction I get an error when using accented characters. Here is the error I get in response: { ErrorResponse:{ '$':{ 'xmlns:xsi': '','xmlns:xsd': '


API Upgrade Solved

Is there a detailed guide for the API changes? I see that Hosted CIM is beging deprecated. It refers to use Accep Customer. I took on a client that is using the CIM and we make transaction calls against it. What is being affected. Thanks for any help

Iframe communicator loading issue

Hello,We have an issue with one of our customers that are using integration with using hosted forms. From the logs it looks like sometimes iframe communicator fails to load and we do not receive any messages from authorize net on succes...


Cannot perform multiple credit card payments with nonce Solved

I need to charge several payments from a credit card on a monthly basis (different amounts). As far as I understand I can get nonce using Accept.js which is valid duing 15 minutes and for one payment only.Is there any way to obtain a nonce which will...


CIM in Sandbox error Solved

I am calling the CIM in the sandbox and I keep getting the E00007 Authentication error. I creating a profile. I have generated a new key . What am I forgetting?? .NET XML API

Ebay says they ar enot receiving payment confirmations

Ebay is saying items are pending payment and when i check i see captured/settled and why isnt authorize sending what ever code i sneeded by Ebay?My items are not getting marked as "paid". Did something change?

CIM getHostedProfilePageController Error Solved

Hi, When calling this function to get a token to display the hosted form, if I pass a url for the hostedPaymentIFrameCommunicatorUrl setting, I get a Error: E00013 Setting Name 'hostedPaymentIFrameCommunicatorUrl' is invalid for this method. error. I...

Getting null value - Accept Hosted Authorize Net Integration issue

Hi, I am new to AIM integration with Java & Jsp page. I have following code used to get the form token for AIM Accept Host Payment transaction. I am getting the null response only. Can you please suggest me on it. How to get the form token from Java ...

Webhook response payload for recurring billing transaction Solved

If I set up a payment.capture.created webhook and a recurring billing transaction triggers the webhook, will the response payload contain all information including the sbuscription ID? I ask because the Payment Events Payload Example on the webhooks ...


C# Sample code for GetTransactionList doesn't compile Solved

The following code fragment from the sample code doesn't compile.***************** var request = new getTransactionListRequest(); request.batchId = batchId; request.paging = new Paging { limit = 10, offset = 1 }; request.sorting = new TransactionList...

Transaction ID is 0

Hello! I use sandbox and C# examples from Authorize API for charge credit card. I get information with resultCode Ok for transaction request but I have transaction ID zero 0 in transactionResponse.I think it is not normal. How to get real transaction...

E00114 Invalid OTS Token

Our site stopped accepting payments through the Accept.JS interface. The system was working until today. Please HELP, your customer support team offered NO help and asked me to come to the community forum. What can I do to have payments come through ...

Xamarin Forms and EVM Card Reader

We have a project where we need to integrate the EVM chip card reader into a Xamarin forms solution that targets IOS. We are looking to work with a partner/consultant to help us with this integeration. Please contact me at

TLS 1.2 Issue -tetsing on sandbox

I'm trying to create some test transactions on sandbox. I have IIS 10.0 express and .net 4.6 and i got the error saying that the existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Do we have to do any code changes to fix this?

Regular Contributor

accept hosted - Response of payment checkout from iFrame .

Hi All,Is there any way by which I can get particular token value in hosted payment form checkout response from iFrame. Can anyone share full response with all possibilities which we are getting after payment submission from the accept hosted form fr...

The credit card number is invalid

I use Sandbox and C# examples from sample codes for create customer profile and charge credit card. I put some credit card number with large number into this request fro creating customer profile and the request works good. But when I use next exampl...

Not Getting Payment Nonce Solved

I'm new to I'm using this link : at this link code is provided for NON-EMV cards transaction which works for IdTech devices(as i'm able to understand) and code for EMV cards tran...

Regular Contributor

How to authenticate response of accept hosted form checkout

Hi I am using accept hosted payment form in iFrame. I have question regarding to response of iFrame payment checkout process.If some craft the same dummy response that sending and pass that to our server then how can we authenticate tha...