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SIM Returning Denied Card But Card Is Charged!

I'm using SIM and I get periods where I get denials of credit cards but they're still being charged. Customer's real upset. Why does that happen?


If x_relay_always set to false. Then the "credit card number is invalid," and "A duplicate transaction has been submitted." would stay at the CC entry site. Are you received those thru silent post?

If by sllent post you mean submitting by HttpWebRequest object, then yes.

submitting by HttpWebRequest object.

You mean you are using AIM. If you are using AIM, do you do mod 10 test on the CC# before sending it to

I don't check for that prior to submitting but it looks like a good idea to do that.


I do use the post method and the content type is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


Since you are doing AIM. Can you log both post request(with the CC# masked) and the response and timestamp? it would help locate the issue.

You read my mind. I just set up request recording this past week but there's been no activity. I will have extensive testing done again tomorrow with request and responses recorded. The entire request string is encrypted but since it'll be with a live "throw away" card, I can send you both request and response streams.

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