We're working on integrating a payment gateway for donations on a client's website.
The client's parent organization uses authorize.net. Currently our client links off-site to the parent organization for donations, which isn't ideal for optimized conversion rates (client can't personalize the donation page, can't track data easily about sales funnels etc., and users leaving the site adds barriers to donating, etc. etc.).
The goal is to deposit funds in the existing parent organization account but add an access point on our client's website instead of re-route users off-site to donate.
Our understanding is Authorize.net allows only one API login/transaction key. Is this true? Or is there a way to add another payment gateway portal with a limited API login/transaction key (limited as in only for one-way deposits via credit card & debit or other defined transaction methods) without having to retrigger the only API login/transaction key for all payment gateway portals.
Any insight here? Help would be greatly appreciated!
01-13-2021 04:23 PM