I have some issues with some parameters sent by Silent post URL.
Sometimes our customers fill their address with some character '#' and I then receive back the parameter like :
x_address=8125 River Rd. #2B
Here is an example of an silent post url I received :
http://mysite.com?x_response_code=1&x_response_reason_code=1&x_response_reason_text=This transaction has been approved.&x_avs_code=Y&x_auth_code=119381&x_trans_id=4098217376&x_method=CC&x_card_type=American Express&x_account_number=XXXX2009&x_first_name=Lisa&x_last_name=Son&x_company=&x_address=8125 River Rd. #2B&x_city=North Borgena&x_state=NJ&x_zip=07000&x_country=&x_phone=&x_fax=&x_email=liseason@gmail.fr&x_invoice_num=18691&x_description=Purchases made on the Website : www.mysite.com&x_type=auth_capture&x_cust_id=&x_ship_to_first_name=Miso&x_ship_to_last_name=Son&x_sh... River Rd. #2B&x_ship_to_city=North Borgena&x_ship_to_state=NY&x_ship_to_zip=07000&x_ship_to_country=&x_amount=16.00&x_tax=0.00&x_duty=0.00&x_freight=0.00&x_tax_exempt=FALSE&x_po_num=2500;1&x_MD5_Hash=B2DF662192C8FDFFEB8833E6FD17A2E9&x_cvv2_resp_code=&x_cavv_response=&x_test_request=false
Then I cannot extract any parameters after this character '#' show in red, so I cannot verify the x_MD5_Hash, my invoice number and amount !
Any ideas ?
01-18-2012 11:45 PM
I don't understand. The silent post page receives everything as a POST variables, not variables encoded into the URL. Same goes for relay response. The only page which might receive some variables encoded into the URL would be the receipt page, and you're only supposed to be passing a few things that way, none of which are the address. If you do pass the address, you'd URL-encode it first so you don't have this problem.
Please post the code you're using to interact with Authorize.net's API. Use a code box, fourth option from the left in Rich Text mode.
01-19-2012 02:48 AM