How can something as basic as this fail?:
var gate = new CustomerGateway(Login, TransactionKey, ServiceMode.Test);
var authorizeCustomer = gate.CreateCustomer(order.Email, order.MemberName);
When it executes this code in the SDK for the UpdateCustomer, I get a Null Reference Exception (NRE) because profile is null:
public bool UpdateCustomer(Customer customer) {
var req = new updateCustomerProfileRequest();
req.profile.customerProfileId = customer.ProfileID;
I should be able to Update a Customer that was just created. I should be able to Update a Customer at any time without the SDK crashing for an NRE.
Somebody help me please...this is so frustrating.
On a related note: How do you open a Support Ticket for this product?
08-10-2011 07:08 PM
You can submit support tickets by logging into your account and clicking Contact Us at the top.
08-10-2011 10:15 PM
That's the button I've been looking for all week.
I've never seen a company with an SDK or API make it so difficult to get support.
08-11-2011 03:11 PM
I know. Support was less than helpful for me as well on several occasions. And my posts in the Integration area were often ignored (which is why I'm putting in a few weeks helping others out now). On the plus side, at least the control panel is fairly straightforward, and the API seems to work fine if you can finally figure out how to implement it properly.
08-11-2011 07:44 PM