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Some Questions

Hello Experts,


I have some questions, before making a switch to I need to know if I do ARB Automatic Recurring Billing. Let's say I have 700 customers at 9.99 I need to know if there is a way let's say I want to change it to 29.99? I want to see if there is a mass change? or do I have to configure one customer at a time?


2.Custom Messages Attached to billing?


3.Can I download a complete file of names, expiration dates so I could short my expiration dates? etc.


4. Download a complete customer list?


if you need more information please let m know.


Thank You for the help :)



Hi sbvachs,


You are correct, you will need to do this one customer at a time if you need to update the amount for your customer's subscription. You will need to do this for each subscirption ID.

With your next question, I believe you are wanting to turn off descriptors dynamically. We currently do not have support for soft or dynamic descriptors.

When you create ARB subscriptions, it is not possible to view the credit card's expiration date. We do not have any reporting that will let you download all your ARB subscirptions to obtain the customer's name and subscription details.




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