As I review Payment Form Fields in the Management Console to make sure shipping and billing fields are going to be displayed -- assuming that this setting means that they will exist on the hostted form but will only be pre filled with my data if I pass them on the call to get the hosted payment form. ??
Or could I Pass them (By manually adding these hidden fields to the BASIC few fields that the SDK spews out from my amount and loginIn and transact & Hash values) without making setting in the Managment console since the HTML call is supposedly pre eminent over the management console settings.??
With that said since I'm not getting these fields do I HAVE TO manually add them to the FEW fields that the SDK spews in order for the form to appear like in the SIM GIUD.pdf with the shipping & Billing fields or is there more Krazy magic that I'm just not seeing yet...
03-09-2012 08:10 AM
You should be able to turn fields on or off using your control panel. Go into Settings -> Transaction Format Settings -> Payment Form -> Form Fields. You can probably pass data for those fields even if they aren't displayed, but I'm not 100% sure whether it would be passed through or ignored. Logically, I'd expect it to be passed through.
03-09-2012 11:54 AM