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(TESTMODE) This transacton cannot be accepted

I am testing my credit card process to get certified and I am getting this error.  Can someone help.  Do I need to use the API Login ID when I am doing a direct Post?  Thanks in advance for the help.


From the sample code:


require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; // The SDK
$url = "";
$api_login_id = 'YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID';
$transaction_key = 'YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY';
$md5_setting = 'YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID'; // Your MD5 Setting
$amount = "5.99";
AuthorizeNetDPM::directPostDemo($url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key, $amount, $md5_setting);


Thanks. Do you have an example in VB.NET? Thanks.

The only code examples for DPM are on one of these two pages: (see buttons to change language in top right)


As you can see, while there are code examples for some of the API's in VB.NET, there isn't one for DPM. Some of the code, specifically the fingerprint, is the same as for SIM, however (DPM layers on top of SIM), so you may be able to adapt some of that.

Really appreciate the help. I believe I have all the code and the reason I'm getting the "transaction cannot be accepted" error message is my login. When I use the API Login provided by along with the Transaction Key I get the error. When I change it to the Login I created to access I get permission not allowed. Really do appreciate help here. Is there a way to contact Tech Support directly... thanks again to everyone for the help.

They will probably just direct you to the integration forum unless there's something actually wrong with your account, which I doubt. Incidently, the error you're getting has to do with the fingerprint, and can be caused by using an expired fingerprint (the time value you're using is not the same time zone as your account), or one of the values that goes into the fingerprint not matching (bad login ID or transaction key) or so on. It would help if you could (a) post your code (use a code box, fourth option from the left in Rich Text mode) and (b) post the error code you're getting (probably 97, 98, or 99, but it helps to know which one).