An ecommerce website I manage is currently using classic ASP and posting to https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll for our transactions. Is this compatible with TSL 1.2, or will I need to make changes? If so, what changes must be made?
I've contacted Authorize.net, but they directed me to post here.
12-04-2017 06:46 PM
In your particular case, of course the change would be:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")"
If your server's Schannel and registry setttings are for TLS1.2, then with the modification above, you should be good to go.
12-28-2017 12:18 PM
Of course, thanks!
01-03-2018 06:27 PM
Another question.
How can I test TLS 1.2? Can I just post to https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll with the updated object creation code?
01-09-2018 06:09 PM
@wesg92 wrote:
Another question.
How can I test TLS 1.2? Can I just post to https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll with the updated object creation code?
Yes! The sandbox endpoint only supports a TLS 1.2 connection, so if you're able to connect at the URL above, you should be good.
01-09-2018 07:10 PM
I am trying to update my code for TLS 1.2 support. But I'm getting an error:
The system cannot locate the resource specified.
on my "Send" command. Specifically, the code is:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
xml.open "POST", "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll?" & vPostData & "", false
xml.send ""
This code has always worked until today. Instead I get the above error if I set the code to fail on errors. If I set it to resume, I just get an empty response string.
I've teid other Server Objects, including "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0", "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", and "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" (although some of those give me a different error: An error occurred in the secure channel support).
I have verified through http://ssl-checker.online-domain-tools.com/ that my server is supporting TLS 1.2, and that 1.1 and 1.0 are disabled.
My code was working fine until today, when Authorize.net stopped supporting 1.1 and 1.0. It hasn't changed since. I'm out of things to try here. Any idea of what the "system cannot locate the resource specified" error points me to?
Please, any help is GREATLY appreciated. My store has been down all day.
02-28-2018 07:20 PM
i am also facing same problem with Classic ASP.
Please HELP
03-06-2018 03:00 AM
Any luck??
03-08-2018 02:51 AM
I have imlemented ARB for suscription. Its walys gives success message but transaction status N/A. I have put start date which is current date and it not deducting money in production. Please help me.
07-11-2018 11:28 PM