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Unable To Test AVS Response Codes E and G in Sandbox?

I am unable to produce an AVS Result Code "E" or "G" when testing in the sandbox. According to the guide providing a postal code of "46203" and "46204" respectively should work but both are returning "Y" instead?

Below is an example of the request / response I am trying that should produce "E" for example:

REQUEST: CreateTransactionRequest Object
[merchantAuthentication:ANetApiRequestType] => MerchantAuthenticationType Object
[name] => 4337Av4gH8Xf
[transactionKey] => ************

[clientId:ANetApiRequestType] =>
[refId:ANetApiRequestType] => 449447_1730586482
[transactionRequest:CreateTransactionRequest] => TransactionRequestType Object
[transactionType:TransactionRequestType] => authOnlyTransaction
[amount:TransactionRequestType] => 1
[currencyCode:TransactionRequestType] => USD
[payment:TransactionRequestType] => PaymentType Object
[creditCard:PaymentType] => CreditCardType Object
[cardNumber:CreditCardSimpleType] => 370000000000002
[expirationDate:CreditCardSimpleType] => 2027-01
[cardCode:CreditCardType] => 999
[isPaymentToken:CreditCardType] =>
[cryptogram:CreditCardType] =>
[tokenRequestorName:CreditCardType] =>
[tokenRequestorId:CreditCardType] =>
[tokenRequestorEci:CreditCardType] =>

[bankAccount:PaymentType] =>
[trackData:PaymentType] =>
[encryptedTrackData:PaymentType] =>
[payPal:PaymentType] =>
[opaqueData:PaymentType] =>
[emv:PaymentType] =>
[dataSource:PaymentType] =>

[profile:TransactionRequestType] =>
[solution:TransactionRequestType] =>
[callId:TransactionRequestType] =>
[terminalNumber:TransactionRequestType] =>
[authCode:TransactionRequestType] =>
[refTransId:TransactionRequestType] =>
[splitTenderId:TransactionRequestType] =>
[order:TransactionRequestType] =>
[lineItems:TransactionRequestType] =>
[tax:TransactionRequestType] =>
[duty:TransactionRequestType] =>
[shipping:TransactionRequestType] =>
[taxExempt:TransactionRequestType] =>
[poNumber:TransactionRequestType] =>
[customer:TransactionRequestType] =>
[billTo:TransactionRequestType] => CustomerAddressType Object
[firstName:NameAndAddressType] =>
[lastName:NameAndAddressType] =>
[company:NameAndAddressType] =>
[address:NameAndAddressType] =>
[city:NameAndAddressType] =>
[state:NameAndAddressType] =>
[zip:NameAndAddressType] => 46203
[country:NameAndAddressType] =>
[phoneNumber:CustomerAddressType] =>
[faxNumber:CustomerAddressType] =>
[email:CustomerAddressType] =>

[shipTo:TransactionRequestType] =>
[customerIP:TransactionRequestType] =>
[cardholderAuthentication:TransactionRequestType] =>
[retail:TransactionRequestType] =>
[employeeId:TransactionRequestType] =>
[transactionSettings:TransactionRequestType] => Array
[0] => SettingType Object
[settingName:SettingType] => duplicateWindow
[settingValue:SettingType] => 0


[userFields:TransactionRequestType] =>
[surcharge:TransactionRequestType] =>
[merchantDescriptor:TransactionRequestType] =>
[subMerchant:TransactionRequestType] =>
[tip:TransactionRequestType] =>
[processingOptions:TransactionRequestType] =>
[subsequentAuthInformation:TransactionRequestType] =>
[otherTax:TransactionRequestType] =>
[shipFrom:TransactionRequestType] =>
[authorizationIndicatorType:TransactionRequestType] =>


RESPONSE: CreateTransactionResponse Object
[refId] => 449447_1730586482
[messages] => MessagesType Object
[resultCode:MessagesType] => Ok
[message:MessagesType] => Array
[0] => MessagesType\MessageAType Object
[code:MessagesType\MessageAType] => I00001
[text:MessagesType\MessageAType] => Successful.



[sessionToken] =>
[transactionResponse] => TransactionResponseType Object
[responseCode] => 1
[rawResponseCode] =>
[authCode] => 63GCDW
[avsResultCode] => Y
[cvvResultCode] => P
[cavvResultCode] => 2
[transId] => 120043868960
[refTransID] =>
[transHash] =>
[testRequest] => 0
[accountNumber] => XXXX0002
[entryMode] =>
[accountType] => AmericanExpress
[splitTenderId] =>
[prePaidCard] =>
[messages] => Array
[0] => TransactionResponseType\MessagesAType\MessageAType Object
[code\MessagesAType\MessageAType] => 1
[description\MessagesAType\MessageAType] => This transaction has been approved.


[errors] =>
[splitTenderPayments] =>
[userFields] =>
[shipTo] =>
[secureAcceptance] =>
[emvResponse] =>
[transHashSha2] =>
[profile] =>
[networkTransId] => 6IYZRE49BWG890JN49KIF9W

[profileResponse] =>


The AVS result codes "E" and "G" typically indicate certain mismatches with the address information provided during the transaction, but these are not commonly simulated in sandbox environments. In the sandbox, the system might return a "Y" (Yes) result for address verification even when using the test postal codes (46203 and 46204), as the environment doesn't always replicate real-world AVS responses. To test AVS codes more effectively, you may need to check with the production environment, where actual address data matching is enforced.


AVS "G" is not defined for the Amex FDC simulator. For "E" in the Amex simulator, although the AVS response is supposed to be defined for the simulator, the "E" code is not working. In both these cases the default response "Y" is being returned. However, you should try using a test Visa; the simulator has a greater range of responses for AVS with these card types, and the Visa code range includes both "E" and "G", with the correlated zipcodes that you show above.

The FDC Amex simulator setup does not include "G", and obviously the key for "E" is not working. In both cases, the default "Y" is being supplied by the simulator. This is a known issue with the Amex FDC simulator. However, the FDC Visa simulator defines both "E" and "G", correlated to the zipcodes that you have above, so the simulator should return the expected values if you use a Visa test card. In general testing, the best advice is to use Visa test card numbers rather than any other: the simulator is usually best fleshed out for Visa.