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Updating Your Solution to Akamai

Hi Everyone,


I am somewhat new to our company and am not familiar with or it's payment services. I am trying to implement the transaction URLs to direct to Akamai into our website but am not sure how to do that.



When I click on these I get weird errors that I will list below. I am the Marketing Coordinator with and I do web design so I work in our site and know the file layout, but I have limited knowledge to the functions of a lot of scripts and I don't know exactly what to even do with these URLs. 


If these are supposed to be files or extensions I would need to know where the files go on our server for this to work properly.


If I am just supposed to type in these URLs on certain files on our website I may be able to do that, I would just need to know what files to change.



do I have to do anything with this string of code?

{"messages":{"resultCode":"Error","message":[{"code":"E00003","text":"Root element is missing."},{"code":"E00003","text":"Root element is missing."}]}}


- This directs me to a list of services that I am not sure what to do with. Ex.


This method is used to cancel an existing ARB subscription. The merchant must be signed up for the ARB service to use it.



This method is used to create a new ARB subscription. The merchant must be signed up for the ARB service to use it.



This method is used to get existing ARB subscriptions. The merchant must be signed up for the ARB service to use it.



This method is used to get an existing ARB subscription status. The merchant must be signed up for the ARB service to use it.



This method is used to update an existing ARB subscription. The merchant must be signed up for the ARB service to use it.



This method is used to test the availability of the API.


- This gives me an error code:

The following errors have occurred.

(13) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.


Do the errors when I click on these matter? Should I be getting something from these files when I click on them? Thank you for any feedback, it is much appreciated.






It not a website that you go to.

It web service/ form post/json location.


It for someone who want to use the new Akamai

Talk to your web developer to replace it from the existing url


This is not actually an error with your code.  It's a problem on's side, and they aren't acknowledging it.  It happened for a 24 hour period on April 20th and they fixed it without telling anyone about it.  And it's happening again.


I have attempted to escalate this to, and they have been silent so far.  It started happening for me yesterday afternoon.  I'm hopeful they will see that this is a problem and fix it.

Hello, I am a graphic designer who was hired to (in addition to my other duties) update things on the website like photos and basic information. I just recieved the letter from to upgrade my website and I have no clue where to even begin. I am not a web developer. I have modest understanding of html. The website I am working with is Megento. Do any of you have a good starting place for me to get the knowledge required to make these changes? I'd really appriciate a push in the right direction.

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