We had already migrated and force our application to use TLS1.2 when authorize.net disabled supports of TLS1.1 from sandbox*(around 6 months back).
As of today's date our application is working fine with Sandbox account and same we had deployed on our production account and it is working fine on today's date.
Now, on 28th Feb, we should not get any issue as we alreday upgraded and available with TLS1.2 on production environment
So, please confirm that if we are working fine with sandbox account on today's date, then we should not get any issue with same application on production on 28th FEB.
Can you please confirm.
02-22-2018 03:43 AM
If your application is working properly in the Sandbox, then you should have no issues after the 28th using the product API endpoint.
02-22-2018 09:29 AM
That is not true, NexusSoftware. Look at the topic below. A good number of users have success on the sandbox but not in production.
02-22-2018 10:26 AM