Has anyone successfully implemented ARB using the SDK for .NET? I haven't been able to find any code examples.
I have somehow mucked my way through and I am able to create a subscription using the SDK however, I am not able to post Invoice #, Description, and Customer ID
Does anyone have some sample code on using the SDK to create ARB subscriptions? (preferably in vb.net)
Here is a sample of what I am doing. Feel free to tell me where I am going wrong here.
Dim AuthSubscription = AuthorizeNet.SubscriptionRequest.CreateMonthly("persons@email.com", txtName.Text, 4.95) AuthSubscription.CardNumber = txtCardNumber.Text AuthSubscription.CardCode = txtSecurityCode.Text AuthSubscription.CardExpirationMonth = cboCCMonth.SelectedValue AuthSubscription.CardExpirationYear = cboCCYear.SelectedValue AuthSubscription.StartsOn = Now() AuthSubscription.SubscriptionID = "1234" Dim FirstName, LastName As String Dim MyAddy As New AuthorizeNet.Address MyAddy.ID = UserID MyAddy.First = FirstName MyAddy.Last = LastName MyAddy.Street = txtStreetAddress.Text MyAddy.City = txtCity.Text MyAddy.State = cboState.SelectedValue MyAddy.Zip = txtZip.Text MyAddy.Phone = txtPhone.Text AuthSubscription.WithBillingAddress(MyAddy) Dim gate = New AuthorizeNet.SubscriptionGateway(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("APILogin"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("TransKey"), AuthorizeNet.ServiceMode.Live) Dim AuthResponse = gate.CreateSubscription(AuthSubscription)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
06-14-2011 10:20 PM
Hey there,
It doesn't look like anyone has responded yet, but someone still may have feedback on what you're looking for. I'd recommend subscribing to this topic so that you'll be alerted via email if anyone else from the community is able to respond with any comments. To subscribe, click Topic Options at the top of this thread and then select Subscribe. You'll then receive an email once anyone replies to your post.
Developer Community Manager
06-20-2011 01:13 PM