This is a question I'm being asked. How do I determine if I'm using
AIM, SIM, DPM, and CIM (Hosted or Not-Hosted)?
This is being used in a shopping cart on an ecommerce website. We are fully integrated using the API, but I don't know the answer to the question.
Thank you in advance!
08-02-2016 12:27 PM
Hello @icnd1234
What other information can you provide about the system? It may help to know how you setup the gateway, etc.
08-02-2016 05:48 PM
I am experiencing an error with the order descritpion showing up as "goods and services" instead of the actual order type. The error occurs randomly and was not a problem several weeks ago. I emailed for help but in order to move forward I need to know what API method I am using and I don't know how to find out that informaiton. Can you help?
03-03-2017 07:52 AM
Hello @mandrews
We can help but will need to know more about your integration. What is the shopping cart, payment plugin or platform you are using?
03-03-2017 08:12 AM
The site is on Wordpress. It looks like we are using WooCommerce and Forms are done through Wufoo.
03-03-2017 08:18 AM
Are you using WooCommerce or Wufoo specifically to take payments?
Regardless you'll need to check with these vendors on what may have changed.
03-03-2017 08:32 AM