I am working on implementing the webhooks method of response on a payment, but cannot find a list of all the possible values that are returned from the notification and what they represent.
The sample in the webhooks docs I can find only show a few values like:
"notificationId": "d0e8e7fe-c3e7-4add-a480-27bc5ce28a18",
"eventType": "net.authorize.payment.authcapture.created",
"eventDate": "2017-03-29T20:48:02.0080095Z",
"webhookId": "63d6fea2-aa13-4b1d-a204-f5fbc15942b7",
"payload": {
"responseCode": 1,
"authCode": "LZ6I19",
"avsResponse": "Y",
"authAmount": 45.00,
"entityName": "transaction",
"id": "60020981676"
The doc does not say anything about all values that are available or what the ones listed mean (i.e. what "id" values is being sent back.)
Any help on getting complete information on this would be really appreciated.
07-04-2017 05:43 PM
Hi @brameshatos
You dont need to pass anything specific for webhooks when doing payments .
Please have a look at the webhook feature link for details https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/features/webhooks.html
Also have a look at the repo https://github.com/dns12345/AuthNet.WebHooks
04-16-2018 10:08 AM
Ramesh - For new questions it's probably going to work better for you to start a new thread.
04-16-2018 11:03 AM