It there a way to authorize and collect by just passing the "credit card number, name of card, expiration date, and CVV Code"?
I am using the API Call which works 100% fine when sending the billing information along with the card info through the API, but I have a client does not sell goods and does not ship any goods, just charge for the consulting service, The client only wants me to send the following through the API
Receipt Number
Date Charged
Consultation Description
Credit Card Number
Name of the Credit Card
Expiration date
CVV Code
Once sent via the API
Authorize and Collect the charges and be able to obtain the return transaction Id and authorization code.
06-27-2016 12:48 PM
What error are you getting? It might be a processor requirement for billing info.
06-27-2016 12:53 PM
Since I have not tried authorizing or charging the card without using the billing address I should say that the message would be "Billing information does not match" but I am not sure because I have not tried yet without billing info, This is my code
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection InputObject = new System.Collections.SpecializedNameValueCollection(30);
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection ReturnObject = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(30);
byte[] ReturnBytes;
string[] ReturnValues;
//- Fake billing info and credit card is used for sample purpose
InputObject.Add("x_version", AuthNetVersion);
InputObject.Add("x_delim_data", "True");
InputObject.Add("x_login", AuthNetLoginID);
InputObject.Add("x_tran_key", AuthNetTransKey);
InputObject.Add("x_relay_response", "False");
//----------------------Set to False to go Live-(True when testing-------------------
InputObject.Add("x_test_request", "False");
InputObject.Add("x_delim_char", ",");
InputObject.Add("x_encap_char", "|");
//--Billing Address
InputObject.Add("x_first_name", "John");
InputObject.Add("x_last_name", "Doe");
InputObject.Add("x_phone", "212-555-5555");
InputObject.Add("x_address", "123 Somewhere Ave");
InputObject.Add("x_city", "New York");
InputObject.Add("x_state", "NY");
InputObject.Add("x_zip", "10033");
InputObject.Add("x_email", "");
InputObject.Add("x_email_customer", "FALSE"); //-"TRUE" for Emails Customer "FALSE" for not
InputObject.Add("x_merchant_email", sAuthNetMasterEMail); //-Emails Merchant
InputObject.Add("x_country", "USA"); //- Country = USA
InputObject.Add("x_customer_ip", "");
//-- Charge Amount
InputObject.Add("x_description", "Payment to " "150.00"); //-Amount to be Charged
//-- Card Details
InputObject.Add("x_card_num", "4111111111111111");
InputObject.Add("x_exp_date", "02/2017");
InputObject.Add("x_card_code", "123");
InputObject.Add("x_method", "CC");
InputObject.Add("x_type", "AUTH_CAPTURE");
InputObject.Add("x_amount", "150.00");
InputObject.Add("x_currency_code", "USD");
As I mentioned when passing the billing info it works like a charm.
Can I just pass "Not Available" to the billing info to accomplish just charge the card?
06-27-2016 01:08 PM