Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
CIM createCustomerPaymentProfile error
Hi, I'm using CIM - XML - ColdFusionI'm not ale to create customer profile. My http request to URL with XML is returning below error I/O Exception: Name in certificate `' does not mat...
Extend an authorization, preventing expiration
We are using CIM. Is there a way to extend an authorization so that it doesn't expire? The scenario is that we sell products that sometimes are offered for preorder and may not ship for over a month. We need to keep the auth in place until shipment o...
AIM sample not working?
I have verified all of the configuration requirements are present for the server, and that the SDK seems to be installed accordingly. I used the SPL autoloader according to: My sandbox account is in Live mo... very intermittent
Lots of "couldn't connect' -overwhelmed?works every now and then. frustrating. O.
CIM down again
Intermittent errors happening on CIM requests:[E00001] An error occurred during processing. started occuring Jan 24 after midnight EST Please investigate
Stop recurring payment
My site is using recurring payment for premium user. but now we did not want this feature so I did using ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest to stop. When I went to to check I saw that all of the subscriptions had been cancelled. I think I sho...
MD5 Hash fails for CIM profile payment method but works for CreditCard payment method
I'm finding that the returned MD5 Hash for an authCaptureTransaction createTransactionRequest CIM payment method doesn't match the expected results, but matches fine for an authCaptureTransaction createTransactionRequest payment method. The only di...
Accented characters passed in billing section generates XML encoding error. Solved
I've read through a number of older posts and while there seem to be a desire to support non-standard characters in the SDK, it may not yet be ready to handle them. Here's the situation which I had to deal with for the old AIM form/value gateway last...
refundTransaction requires expiration date in XML but never did in legacy AIM Credit (Refund) Solved
I am converting my in-house form/value pair AIM application to using the Java SDK. One problem I've just run into is that the refundTransaction in the new XML Gateway apparently requires providing an expiration date while the AIM gateway only require...
PayPal Integration: Unable to display PayPal information. Please try again later.
I am currently integrating PayPal payment into our website through Authorize.NET. A while ago, I connected a paypal sandbox account to our sandbox account. Everything went smoothly until yesterday, when our PayPal sandbox was disconnected fr...
Shoud production API Login ID and Transaction Key work in the testing environment? Solved
Our client has obtained its API Login ID and Transaction Key for their Merchant Account. We have been doing our development and integration tests using the API Login ID and Transaction Key assigned to us when we opened our Sandbox account. Our keys w...
Authorize.Net Networking Change
Hi, Currently we are using following Url in our production website for payment gateway. If we dont replace with new akamai Url will you automatically redirect our old Url to new Url form June... CIM Hosted payment form, getting credit card token
Hello All, I'm currently integrating CIM alongside our website form, I tested the code that the developers provided in the sandbox and it seems I can create a customer profile id without a payment profile id and still be able to access the hosted for...
Class 'JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Type' not found
installed composer, defined my composer.json { "require": { "php": ">=5.2.0", "ext-curl": "*", "authorizenet/authorizenet": "", "jms/serializer": "xsd2php-dev as 0.18.0" }, "require-dev": { "goetas/xsd2php": "2.*@dev", "goetas/xsd-reader": "2....
Increase invoice num based on what already exists
How can I grab the last invoice number and then increase that by 1 number? Is this possible? I am using DPM/SIM with C# in Visual Studio.
CIM - Receipt Email Generation
Whenever I use the payment form via CIM, our customer receives two duplicate email messages. One email is HTML, the other is plain text. How do I shut off the plain text email? We don't have any customers that would require a plain text message.
Suggestions/best practices for implementing a CIM-based recurring billing scheduler
Hello, I am looking for suggestions/best practices for implenting a CIM-based recurring billing scheduler using the Authorize.Net C# SDK and CIM and Transaction API. I searched though the forums, but only found answers stating that I would need to cr...
R = Retry, System Is Unavailable AVS was unavailable on the processing network or the processor did Solved
Today I had someone try to make a payment and when they submitted the form, they got this error: R = Retry, System Is UnavailableAVS was unavailable on the processing network or the processor did not respond. Does this error pertain to Authorize.Net ...
Migrating credit cards to CIM
Hello, I need to upload a list of credit cards (customer number, customer name, credit card number, expiration date) and create a CIM record for each credit card. For each credit card I need to get bach the customer profile and payment profile that w...
Production URL for the SOAP Service Solved
We are about to go in production with our system and the client decided that now they want to separate parts of their business and use two different Authorize.Net Merchant accounts. That means two pairs of API Login ID and Transaction Key. On the dev...
Class 'Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml' not found
Installed composer, grabbed the 30M (!!!!) worth of files needed to run your Hello World script and still, I ran into the same issue as this person.
Eclipse import Auth Net Jar files
I have just begun writing Andoid apps. In Visual Studio I imported the exe file from the SDK. Do you simply copy the jar files into the /libs directory or do you have to add the package? Seems like it would be simple, but more than just copying the j...
XML problem updating CIM profile. Error E00003
I'm working on a project that uses what appears to be a slightly older version of the PHP SDK. Sadly, the PHP code does not appear to specify any version for the SDK. I have constructed code using this SDK that is supposed to update a CIM profile. I ...
eCheck Functionality
Hi, I want to know about eCheck Functionality. Actually I've implemented the eCheck functionality. Now I need to know is it works for US banks only or it works for all banks in world. Or how can I identify that eCheck will work for which bank? (Merch...
CIM: Allowing duplicate payment transactions
I appreciate any help in advance. As of about 3 days ago the CIM api has been creating duplicate authorization transaction randomly for the exact same transactions (same invoice number etc). It doesnt seem to have any pattern as to when it happens, a...
Creating a token without authorization
When a new customer checks out, we want a token to be generated after their credit card is entered so that the cc is not stored on our server. We do not want to charge that credit card until the order (with the token included instead of the cc number...
Try to sign up for Verified Merchant Seal get 'An unexpected error..'
I am trying to sign up for the Merchant seal. When I go to the merchant seal section and click Sign Up, it gives me the error:"An unanticipated error occurred while processing this request. Please click your browser’s Back button to return to the pre...
No transactions are settling
We have not had any payment batches settle since 1/5 in our sandbox account. We have had multiple transactions submitted between then and now, but we have not gotten any settled batches.
Intermittent issues with the sandbox
Hi All, I've integrated the API into an application that is currently in testing. We are using a sandbox account while in testing. We have faced some intermittent issues with the sandbox environment. It works most of the time but someti...
getTransactionListRequest returning duplicate results (development environment)
I'm using the SimpleXML PHP solution from's GitHub page. When I use either the out-of-the-box code or my own PHP script, I still seem to have the same issue. If I look at the Simple XML object for transactions in a batch, I'm given duplicate...