Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


DPM and 4.0 Solved Locked

I read somewhere in the documentation, but now cannot find it, that DPM only works with 3.5; I would really prefer to use DPM rather than AIM, so wonder if anyone can tell me if it works with 4.0. If so, I have a second question...


Alternatives to .NET SDK ? Locked

the .NET ADK is beautifully simple - but has a fatal flaw as it cannot handle single digit months (?!) - see other posts. Can anyone suggest another .NET wrapper around the API? thanks, Crile


Is the .NET SDK still supported? Solved Locked

Hello all, We have encountered at least one showstopper issue using the .NET SDK - a simple issue with a date string format. Another posting here indicates thsi was a known bug with a promised fix 6 months ago. Is anybody really using the .NET SDK? I... Credit Card API Data Locked

what is requires so we can send name address etc to the API and get some Security Settings.For Example:If Name on Card does Not match the Name submitted we can be notify and decide how to handle. Another example Postal Code don't match.which API can ...

Why is Response Code 3 instead of 2 for the following Reasons? Locked

Why is Response Code 3 instead of 2 for the following reasons: 6. The credit card number is invalid.7. The credit card expiration date is invalid.8. The credit card has expired.78. The Card Code (CVV2/CVC2/CID) is invalid. I understand that these cou...

Error. Check your MD5 Setting. Locked

I'm using the Direct Post integration method, I followed the instructions here I have followed them exactly. Over a month ago when I set this up orginally it worked fine and then all of a sudden I keep gett...


iPhone iOS integration safe?

1. From what I see in order to integrate using the iOS SDK, I need to pass my user-name/password. A user can proxy his device and decrypt the data and get my user-name/ password. How can I secure that2. Do I need to approve each mobile device only du...


Error Message Locked

When I add this code with all my variables included, I'm still getting this error message: 3,2,13,The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.,,P,0,,,0.19,,auth_capture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44624AC6946B1090067AE56DF489...

Restaurant POS Locked

Hello All, I'm a developer working on a web-based restaurant POS system. This is my first project handling payments that aren't made online, so I have a ton of questions. My plan is to basically allow waiters to swipe a card (and get submitted to my ...

Android Mobile Application Solved

Does a timeframe exist for the creation/release of a mobile application that is supported by the Android OS? I noticed an Authorize.Net supported application has already been released for the iPhone (

Integration with using DPM and SIM methods Locked

Hello all, We are in the process of integration our e-commerce site with We would prefer to use the Direct Post Method (DPM), however there is no API for the Force/SalesForce .com platform available on the web site. Is it...

Change Business Phone Number Solved Locked

When a credit card transaction is processed, certain information is provided to the client on their bank statement, IE. the business name and phone number. I would like to change the business phone number that is presented to the client, and availabl...

Regular Contributor

Assistance with E00009 - Testing the CIM system setup Locked

I have my checkout program, using the CIM system, set to Test mode. I've managed to get the following to occur: 1. New customer gets a CustomerProfileID2. That customer can add a credit card to the CIM system using the CIM popup3. Customer can add ad...

Subscription search by Customer ID in the browser Locked

Hi, I am integrating Sales Force quick links for customer id look to I'd to know if anyone knows how to manipulate this string witht he proper fields. So far I can only see that it searches by customer transaction id. I'd like to know ...

iPhone -> Rails -> Locked

Hi!First I'll explain the problem, then the solution I'm thinking.I'm making an application where users will have accounts and can purchase physical goods. Therefore, In-app purchases are out and it looks like or paypal it is. I would l...

CIM live transaction error E00027/ response 207 Locked

I have do live transction and getting following error on charge transction ErrorE00027This transaction has been declined2,2,207,This transaction has been declined............auth_capture


how can i register a real Merchant Account ? Solved Locked

hello ,I want to register a real Merchant Account. but i can find where can register it.. and i not find file or other info can introduction the step. can help me ? thanks.

Newbie - Need help with integration Locked

I am new to and need answers quick because of deadline purposes. i am helping a clinic implement a billing system with and thought i could use the SIM format. I don't know what is going on because i get the error 13... ht...


Simplest way to create ARB subscriptions using .NET SDK? Locked

Hello, What is the easiest way to create an ARB subscription using the .NET SDK? I cannot find any SDK documentation. I see some sample code that calls a web service, which is fine if it works but I would like something even simpler. For AIM, the SDK...


How to use RecurringBilling property on AuthorizationRequest (.NET SDK) Locked

Hello, We are using the .NET SDK to wrap the API and submit basic transactions - it works nicely. However, I would like to submit ARB transactions. There is a RecurringBilling field / property on the AuthorizationRequest class, but I can't find the d...

Customer Receipt and SIM? Locked

Hi All, In the SIM, after the payment, I need to send a copy of customer's receipt mail to Merchant also. (with item details etc..) Is it possible? Pls. help. I neeed it urgently. Thanks in advance. Saravanan

integration to Solved Locked

Hi , I am trying to integrate with using SIM mathod but i am not able to create macthing fingarprint for .i am getting error (99) This transaction cannot be accepted. The server-generated fingerprint does not...

Seeking web hosting recommendations Locked

I am using DPM with PHP. Could anyone please recommend an affordable hosting company that works well with Thanks.

CIM Popup getting Page Not Found in Chrome. Locked

I'm using the Customer Information Manager secure popup functionality and, for some reason, I, my client, and our customers are intermittently getting Page Not Found messages when opening the popup in Chrome. The request is actually getting a 404 hea...

Regular Contributor

Help with error 00007 - James Bond has infiltrated my code :) Locked

Having an issue with an E00007 error during a customer checkout using the CIM system. Up to the point that the error occurs, here is what has happened: 1. Account is in Test mode2. Code has been altered to use Test account data3. Customer has come to...