Trying to create a customer profile in cim, I'm getting the message" Error connecting to AuthorizeNet" , I'm using a test account, already checked that the account is active, and generate a new transaction key. This is the code.
function makeCIMProfileID ($params){
require_once JPATH_BASE.DS.'/components/com_subscription/includes/'.'AuthorizeNet.php';
define("AUTHORIZENET_API_LOGIN_ID", "login");
$cim = new AuthorizeNetCIM();
$customerProfile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer;
$customerProfile->description = $description = $params['username'];
$customerProfile->merchantCustomerId = $merchantCustomerId = $params['user_id'];
$customerProfile->email = $email = $params['email'];
$response= $cim->createCustomerProfile($customerProfile);
if ($response->isOk()){
} else {
if ($response->getMessageCode()=='E00039'){
$response2 = $cim->getCustomerProfileIds();
foreach ($customers as $customer) {
$response = $cim->getCustomerProfile($customer);
if ($params['username'] == $response->xpath('description')){
} else {
$msg['MessageSource']="CIM Profile";
foreach ($transactionResponse as $key => $value) {
return $msg;
this is the result that I print from curl
url=>string (length=48)
the rest of values returns 0
04-15-2013 12:26 PM
looking thru the source, look like it doesn't like the createCustomerProfile response.
04-15-2013 01:42 PM