We have integrated Accept Hosted form in our web application and it was working all fine until yesterday.
On giving ‘hostedProfileBillingAddressOptions : showNone’ & ‘hostedProfileValidationMode:TestMode’ for ‘https://test.authorize.net/customer/editPayment’ page, it still shows Billing Address section on that page and for ‘https://test.authorize.net/customer/addPayment’, with same parameters it works fine and does not show Billing Addrress.
Has anything changed recently
07-19-2018 08:10 AM
We are experiencing a similar issue. Yesterday we noticed that the order summary was appearing on the top of the accept hosted iframe. We are wondering if there was a change or if there is a way to disable this.
07-19-2018 08:18 AM
Urgent!!Can somebody look into it as this is the high importance issue which we are facing right now.
07-20-2018 02:49 AM
Hi vinitamoghe,
Thank you for taking the time to provide your concerns.
We are aware of this issue and it is a result of a code release performed earlier this week. We have not released the changes to Production as a result and will be implementing a fix for this in our Sandbox environment early next week once testing of the fix has completed.
Thank you,
07-20-2018 10:48 AM