Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
communication error - did transaction go through?
If submitting a createTransactionRequest, and there is a communication error, the POS application will not know if the transaction was processed or not. What is the best way to either ensure that the transaction did not go through, or determine if it...
Create Profile Using Charge a Credit card API
Hi,i was trying to create customer profile (along with customer payment profile) on invoking "Charge a Credit Card" API.CustomerProfilePaymentType customerProfilePaymentType = new CustomerProfilePaymentType(); Boolean isCreateProfile = true; customer...
Retry failed ARB payments automatically
Hi , Is there a retry option available for failed ARB transactions alone.If it is ,is that retry option specific to subscriptions we create on merchant account or it is specific to merchant account configuration?can we enable retry option using API f...
how to set email field when using java sdk? Solved
I am using the java sdk. I am using accept.js to send credit card to via javascript and then in server side i execute accept payment transaction call as described in the following documentation. ...
Raw response for logging from the .NET SDK Solved
How do I get the raw response string returned from the .NET SDK? I'm guessing it would come from the controller, but I can't find where the string is exposed. It needs to be logged so we can get help with a failing transaction from support.Thanks
Java CIM UpdateCustomerPaymentProfile ; Error E00027 – UpdateCustomerPaymentProfile() Gettting an Error =
[UpdateCustomerPaymentProfile()] There is one or more missing or
invalid required fields. in the log = << "?xml version="1.0"
is one or more missi...
Verify an Accept Hosted transaction server-side
I am looking at the Accept Hosted documentation and sample app, and I am not seeing a way to verify on the server-side whether or not the transResponse.authorization returned from the client via the window.CommunicationHandler is valid. Am I missing ...
In-Person SDK for Android Doesn't Support Landscape Orientation
When running a plain EMV transaction with the tablet in landscape orientation, the In-Person SDK for Android (seemingly programmatically) switches to portrait orientation to display the total charge and status messages. For obtaining signature it swi...
Accept.js - E00007 User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values - Fixed Solved
Hello, This is not a question, but actually how we fixed this issue in our production environment to hopefully help anybody else that runs into this. The error message is not very helpful and is usually caused when people are using their prod credent...
Create EMV Transaction with In-Person SDK for Android without UI in Background Service
The documentation seems not to mention anything about it, only the sample app seems to suggest that the In-Person SDK for Android includes UI components like a signature capture Activity that require an Android app trying to create an EMV transaction...
This transaction cannot be accepted - 103 - but transactionKey is correct! Solved
Hello - Had to update my code (coldfusion) since the TLS1.2 cut over, and since that's happened, none of my transactions are getting accepted. I'm positive the x_login and transactionKey are correct (as I've expired the transkey multiple times and up...
Error code : 16. The transaction cannot be found
Hello!I use this sample's ok, and I got Charge Customer Profile TRANS ID : 60100534073 Code : 1 Description : This transaction has been appr...
Slow Response Times (Prod and Sandbox)
Hello. I am experiencing less than desireable response times (sometimes time outs) against both the Prod and Sandbox APIs. I can consistently reproduce 10-20 second response times using tools like Fiddler and Postman. Is this amount of time considere...
what is the best way to tokenize a credit card and then charge it later?
What is the best way to tokenize a credit card, and then charge it later? I see that I can call getHostedPaymentPageRequest and then use the token in the response to display a page with an iframe that POSTs the token to
General Error (Processing Error)
I'm getting this error when trying to submit a charge. The API gives the error "#35 An error occurred during processing. Call Merchant Service Provider." but I don't have the phone number to Transaction Detail Transaction ID: 400114765...
HELP Link Doesn't Work in Sandbox - Popups immediately close
When I click on the HELP button at top, it pops up two windows that immediately close.https://sandbox.authorize.netI already turned off my ad-blocker. I see no errors in the Javascript console. There's no indication from Chrome about allowing popups....
Debit Vs Credit Card Transactions
Hi, What are the credit card types supported for ARB through API?What are all the Debit Card types supported for ARB through API?What is payment processor? i dunno where to post this question. I am having these doubts. Someone kindly help me in this....
Sandbox Request Timeouts
All of my requets to a sandbox environment using the .net API are not being responded to / timing out currently. Is there something going on with the sandbox environment?
NuGet Package for framework 4
Hi, I suppose 1.9.4 requies framework 4.5, is there a version that supports framework 4? Thanks 'Read timed out' on Creating Subscription
Hi, I have invoked the create subscription API with profile data (Sandbox). Im getting this error on my server log[Server:service-node2] 18:21:45,943 ERROR [net.authorize.util.HttpCallTask] (pool-11-thread-1) Http request execute failed: 'Read timed ...
Problem with redirection from hosted form
Hi Team, I are using Redirect module to capture payments, that is a token is generated by calling getHostedPaymentPageRequest, after receiving the token we do a form post to page, for to capture the payment details...
PayPal how to pass a custom invoice ID to
I am trying to integrate PayPal through, and can't find any documentation about how to send something that will end up being stored in "invoice id" when you later look at the transaction on There is a reference ID listed,...
accept.Js e-check billing information.
Is there a reason the name on the account does not come into the management console on e-check transactions using accept.js? It works fine for credit card transactions, but on e-checks no billing information is coming through which makes it hard to r...
Intermittent connection issue to Hosted Payment Page
Hi.We are in the testing phase of implementing the hosted payment page and have all of our messages built and working using the sandbox. What seems like at least once a day on the very first test, and sometimes a couple of additional times throughout...
ECheque Error: There was an error generating the XML document.
Below is my code: System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;ApiOperationBase.RunEnvironment = UseSandbox ? AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX : AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION;ApiOperationBase.MerchantA...
RefID - Merchant-assigned reference ID for the request. Solved
Reading through, I am wondering how the "RefID" is used, description "Merchant-assigned reference ID for the request." It is not clear to me. Is it the same as "x_cust_id" in previo...
Summary Page and Receipt Page Error
We are using the get hosted payment page API documented on We are supplying ta...
What API to use for ECC
Hello, refundTransaction API has some of it's field contents as follows:cardNumber: Only the last four digits are required for credit card refunds.expirationDate: For refunds, use XXXX instead of the card expiration date. Since, we need a full credit...
Address field field
Hello, What is the correct format for address field? The documentation shows it as follows:String, up to 60 characters.Use alphanumeric characters only, without spaces, dashes, or other symbols. It says "without spaces". Common sense implies that we ...
accept.js with UI not verifying zip
I am currently using accept.js with my own form with php. AVS works as expected. I'm wanting to switch to using the UI from for increased compliance. However, no matter what settings I use for 'data-billingAddressOptions' in UI form, th...