I am writing a mobile app and want customers to be able to create/remove payment profiles from it. The only method I know that does this is `createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest` but it does not accept `clientKey` authentication. I am sure there must be some way to do this without putting my `transactionKey` in the app. Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, I did go through the Accept iOS SDK. It is terribly written and supports only one method, `securePaymentContainerRequest`, which is undocumented. Regardless, it doesn't seem that this does what I want anyway.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
03-22-2018 07:37 PM
Hi @ldgabbay
Have you checked out Accept Customer
Hope it helps !!!
03-22-2018 10:15 PM
Hi Anurag,
I looked at that extensively last night. It's a hosted solution, in that I'd have to put a webview in my app and navigate it to an authorize.net webpage. This isn't what I'm looking for; I need a way to create the profile programmatically, through an API from a mobile app, so I can use native controls.
Any suggestions?
03-23-2018 08:47 AM