I am trying to integrate iPhone SDK into my project. (AIM)
I have some dificulties and I can't make it work.
I have followed the guide https://developer.authorize.net/integration/fifteenminutes/ios
AuthNet *an = [AuthNet getInstance]; [an setDelegate:self]; [an mobileDeviceLoginRequest: mobileDeviceLoginRequest];
In the code above, "an" remains null because the class AuthNet doesnt instantiate while calling "getInstance()".
In the README file, it says that I have to call
[AuthNet authNetWithAPILoginID:@"YOUR_LOGIN_ID" andTransactionKey: @"YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY" forEnvironment:ENV_TEST];
in order to instantiate the singleton. BUT there is no such method inside "AuthNet" class.
Am I missing something?
Please help me.
11-12-2011 04:41 AM
It appears that the iPhone SDK package was mistakenly uploaded with an outdated readme file. We updated the file on Monday night with the correct documentation containing valid sample implemtations. I apologize for any confusion that this caused.
11-17-2011 02:58 PM
I am trying to register my device. Don't you have any sample code for the registration of device?
12-02-2011 12:12 AM