All my call using CIM seems to return
For 2 days now. Please advice
04-03-2015 02:29 PM
Hello @samimis
We recently made some infrastructure upgrades. Please review the blog post below to determine if this will help with your situation.
04-03-2015 03:15 PM
I have disabled the cert check in
abstract class AuthorizeNetRequest
protected $_api_login;
protected $_transaction_key;
protected $_post_string;
public $VERIFY_PEER = true; // Set to false if getting connection errors.
// public $VERIFY_PEER = false; // Set to false if getting connection errors.
and still the same issue.
Do I need to download a new pem file? if so, from where?
04-03-2015 03:49 PM
I have downloaded a .pem file from:
But I have the same issue.
04-03-2015 03:53 PM
Some one from please advice We are stuck here.... Downloading the new pem works with live link but not with sandbox. What's wrong.
04-05-2015 06:25 PM
For time being... we had to disable $VERIFY_PEER and it seems to have worked for us . Now we are getting info back from sandbox
abstract class AuthorizeNetRequest
protected $_api_login;
protected $_transaction_key;
protected $_post_string;
// public $VERIFY_PEER = true; // Set to false if getting connection errors.
public $VERIFY_PEER = false; // Set to false if getting connection errors.
04-06-2015 12:19 PM