Our latest Developer Center release is now complete. Any of the bugs or errors reported to us concerning the SDKs should now be resolved.
As part of the release, all of our SDKs now fully support CIM, ARB, eCheck.Net, Card Present and the Transaction Details API. To review the available SDKs, please visit http://developer.authorize.net/downloads/.
We have also added a page on the Developer Center for information on our Transaction Details API located at http://developer.authorize.net/api/transaction_details/. Here you can download the SDKs or review the XML and SOAP API guides.
Our Test Account Error Generation Guide is now also available from our Troubleshooting Tools page at http://developer.authorize.net/tools/.
And last, if you need a Card Present test account, you can now request one from our test account page at https://developer.authorize.net/testaccount/. Just make sure that Card Present is checked.
Thanks and we hope these updates will help you as you go about your integrations and testing.
Developer Community Manager
02-03-2011 12:57 PM