Welcome to the Community! Pinned
Welcome to the Authorize.Net Developer Community. The purpose of this community is to provide a peer-to-peer support and interaction channel for developers using Authorize.Net’s APIs, certification and affiliate programs. To be part of our community,...
Payment Gateway System Downtime Notification Locked
On Saturday, May 21, 2011, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:30 PM Pacific time, there will be up to a 15 minute period of time in which the payment gateway, Merchant and Reseller Interfaces, and all other syste...
Customer Support Phone Lines Are Down Locked
Hey just FYI, our support phone lines are down. This means merchant, reseller and affiliate support are down. When you call, you'll get a fast busy signal. We're working on getting the phones fixed right now and will update this thread once they're r...
Latest Developer Center Release Locked
Hello everybody, This week we released a few updates to our site and SDKs. For you convenience, here’s a list of what was updated: For CIM in the Java SDK, ExtraOptions no longer causes a NullPointerException and PriorAuthCapture no longer incorrectl...
Links to Download the SDKs Broken Locked
Currently the links to download any of the SDKs are returning an error. We are working on a fix and will reply to this post once it has been resolved. Sorry for any inconvenience! Thanks, Michelle Developer Community Manager
The Testing Environment is Currently Down Locked
Hey everybody, Currently the testing environment is down. We're aware of it and are working to get it back up again. There is currently no ETA on when that may be, but once it's up and running again, I'll reply to this post. Thanks for your patience ...
Test Account CAPTCHA Issue Locked
Hey everyone, There is an issue right now with the test account application wherein the CAPTCHA isn't fully displaying or displaying at all. We are aware of this and are working on a fix right now. In the meantime, you can try to get a test account b...
System Downtime Notification Locked
We will be performing routine system maintenance on our test environment in the early hours of the morning on 4/28/2011, beginning at approximately 6am PDT with expected completion to be done before 8am PDT. It is unlikely that there will be any visi...
System Downtime Notification Locked
On Saturday, May 7, 2011, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:30 PM Pacific time, there will be up to a 15 minute period of time in which the payment gateway, Merchant and Reseller Interfaces, and all other system...
Transaction Details API Timestamp Corrected Locked
Recently, some of you may have noticed that there was a change in the format of the timestamp as it was submitted and returned with Transaction Details API responses. The issue was that we were treating the timestamp as UTC or UTC Daylight regardless...
Test Account Secret Answer Locked
If you have found yourself being asked to answer your secret question in your test account and haven't a recollection of selecting one, you are not alone. This is because your secret question and answer are created by the script that creates your tes...
Test Account Application Issue Locked
Hey there, There's something going on with the test account application page. Not sure what yet, but we're working on it. Until we figure it out, it's not possible to sign up for a new test account. We'll post to this thread once the issue is resolve...
Reminder to Download Transactions Locked
Important: On March 31, 2011, all transactions from 2008 will be permanently archived and no longer accessible through the Merchant Interface. Authorize.Net retains transaction history for a minimum of two years, which is accessible though the Mercha...
Introducing getUnsettledTransactionList and getBatchStatistics Locked
Hey all, We're pleased to announce two new calls to the Transaction Details API, getUnsettledTransactionList and getBatchStatistics. getUnsettledTransactionList returns up to 1,000 unsettled transactions per call, returning the most recent transactio...
Testing Server Down Locked
Our testing environment is currently down. We are aware of the issue and working to get it back up and running again. We'll post more to this message later. Thanks, Michelle Developer Community Manager
Latest Developer Center Release Complete Locked
Our latest Developer Center release is now complete. Any of the bugs or errors reported to us concerning the SDKs should now be resolved. As part of the release, all of our SDKs now fully support CIM, ARB, eCheck.Net, Card Present and the Transaction...
System Downtime Notification Locked
Today, Thursday January 13th, we will be performing some system maintenance for approximately 30 minutes beginning at 4:10pm (Pacific). During this time you may experience errors or be unable to process through our test environment. Thank you for you...
Settlement Changes in Test Accounts Locked
In the past, when using a test environment account, transactions would only settle about every 10 minutes and settlement did not occur by default. Instead you had to email developer support with your test account Login ID asking that settlement be in...
Affiliate and Customer Support Closing Early Today Locked
Due to inclement weather, our Affiliate Support and Customer Support departments are closing today at 1:30 PM Pacific time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Questions on Direct Post Method Locked
Hey everyone, We're excited about our new Direct Post Method (DPM) and even more excited about the interest so far. Just as an FYI, as this is still a new product though, there may be a longer than usual delay in responding to your questions about DP...
Change to getTransactionDetailsand getSettledBatchList Locked
Hey there, With the latest release of getTransactionList, there are a couple of changes we made to the other two calls in the reporting API, getTransactionDetailsand getSettledBatchList. The guides will be updated soon, but in the meantime, here is w...
New API Call -- getTransactionList Locked
Hi everyone,The third call of our new reporting API is available now! (And there was much rejoicing....yay!) :smileyhappy:This third call flushes out the already released getTransactionDetails and getSettledBatchList calls. Now you can retrieve the t...
What to do when locked out of your test account.... Locked
If you've forgotten your password or your login ID for your test account, there are two handy dandy links you can use on the login page to retrieve one or the other. But if you go through either the Forgot Your Password? or Forgot Your Login ID? link...
Upcoming Change to ARB API Locked
If you are currently using Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) and have also been using the new ARBGetSubscriptionStatus API call, there is an upcoming change to the call that will require a slight change. To make sure the call is consistent with the r...
New Test Account Process Locked
One of the new features of the Developer Center is a new test account application process. The old process involved applying and waiting for your account. You would be issued either a shared account or a dedicated account, which required activation o...
New XML API for Transaction Processing Locked
Hi again, Today, we're also pleased to announce that we now have an XML API for Transaction Processing. The API, createTransactionRequest, is available now. The guide is still being finalized, but you can review the XSD at https://api.authorize.net/x...
New API Call -- getSettledBatchList Locked
Hi everyone, The next call of our new reporting API is available now! :smileyhappy: We announced a new call a couple of weeks ago for getTransactionDetails. Now you can retrieve your settled batches using the new getSettledBatchList call. This API is...
Dedicated Test Account Issue Locked
Hey everyone, Currently there is an issue with applications for our dedicated test accounts. We are looking into it, but in the meantime, if you apply for a developer test account, you will only be able to get a shared test account. This means that t...
Test Environment Downtime Notification Locked
This Friday, October 8, 2010, we will be performing scheduled maintenance on the testing server. Beginning at 5:00 PM Pacific and going until 12:00 AM Pacific, the testing environment will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank ...
System Downtime Notification Locked
On Saturday, October 16, 2010, we will be implementing planned payment gateway updates. Beginning at 10:30 PM Pacific time, there will be up to a 15 minute period of time in which the payment gateway, Merchant and Reseller Interfaces, and all other s...
System Downtime Notice for Test Environment Locked
Tonight, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Pacific, we will be making some updates to the test environment which will cause it to be down for up to 60 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks, Michelle Developer Community Manager