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New ARBGetSubscriptionList Call


With the new ARBGetSubscriptionList call for our Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) service, you can obtain a list of subscriptions, filtering the results by either active or inactive status. The call can also return a list of expiring subscriptions or those with expiring credit cards, allowing you to take action before subscriptions expire or fail due to expired credit cards. 

Learn more about the feature and try it using the updated API Reference Guide. The new call is also available when using our SDKs. As always, we’d appreciate any feedback on this or any other API.   


Using a CIM Payment Profile with AIM createTransactionRequest Calls


The createTransactionRequest call for the Advanced Integration Method (AIM) has been enhanced so that you can now use an existing Customer Information Manager (CIM) payment profile (stored credit card or bank account information) for payment. Previously, you had to submit a separate, specific CIM request (createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest) if you wanted to charge a CIM profile. Allowing you to submit a CIM profile in the AIM transaction request should help to simplify your code.




New Change Log Available for API Updates

A new API Change Log to help keep you informed about changes to our APIs is available now on the Developer Center at

Be sure to check back often as we continue to improve our APIs and documentation.



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