Today we are announcing a new Node.js SDK and new Accept Mobile SDK for Android and iOS.
Node.js SDK
The new Node.js SDK is fully supported for production use, but we’re launching it as a beta, primarily to gather community feedback. Node.js has rapidly ascended into the mainstream of technology options for web service development and is often the first choice when developers need a backend for mobile, Internet of Things (IoT) or JavaScript applications. Take it for a spin. Try out our sample code on GitHub and in the API Reference and let us know what we can improve.
Enhanced Mobile InApp Transaction Support
Today we’re announcing expanded support for mobile in-app transactions. Using the new Accept SDKs for Android and iOS, developers can create transactions, customer profiles or subscriptions directly within their apps without any sensitive payment data touching their servers. We are also adding support for Android Pay, offering your customer additional secure payment options on their mobile devices. Plus we’ve included Sample Apps for Android and iOS
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