I'm trying to implement the Cybersource iFrame in our Cordova iOS application, however the WKwebview that hosts the application does not allow the http or https scheme, and I cannot use another scheme to access the iFrame with localhost. Is there an alternative way of allowing Cybersource to work with our application given these limitations?
07-27-2022 10:33 AM
You can install cordova-plugin-ios-xhr and set
<preference name="allowFileAccessFromFileURLs" value="true" /> <preference name="allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs" value="true" />
for files to work with file://
07-27-2022 11:31 PM
When trying to open an iframe, the code tries to get the original window.open clobber using modulemapper.getOriginalSymbol(window, 'open');
But the clobber you registered in plugin.xml is 'window.open'
This causes an infinite loop resulting in stack overflow.
A minimal reproduction repository would really help to debug and later fix this issue. More information on how to create one: https://github.com/apache/cordova-contribute/blob/master/create-reproduction.md /omeglz Then we maintainers don't have to try to code it, but can rely on something that you say recreates the problem.
07-28-2022 10:54 PM
https://github.com/regevbr/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser-bug /echatandom reproduces the bug.
When you start it on android you can see
inappbrowser.js:1 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:1) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96) at module.exports (inappbrowser.js:96)
When you inspect it.
Basically we have a named iframe which is empty at the beginning
<iframe src="" name="test_iframe"></iframe>
Then we perfrom open on it when the device is ready
onDeviceReady: function() { this.receivedEvent('deviceready'); window.open('https://api6.ipify.org/','test_iframe'); },
Could you check if the delete window.open thing described here https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser#windowopen /echatspin if it fixes it?
08-29-2022 12:05 AM
If the content is served in an iframe from a whitelisted domain, that domain will have access to the native Cordova bridge.
10-31-2022 11:45 AM
You can install cordova-plugin-ios-xhr and set
<preference name="allowFileAccessFromFileURLs" value="true" />
<preference name="allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs" value="true" />
for files to work with file://
11-21-2022 03:54 AM