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How to monitor server logs?

How to monitor server log regularly? 


Can someone share step by step guide



Some systems create logs continuously, while others produce data only when an unusual event occurs. It’s important for teams to continuously optimize their systems to only collect useful information from logs. Logging levels (warn, fatal, error, etc.) can help you not only filter and extract useful information but avoid information overload. With logging levels, you can monitor some critical events and ignore others.

Because most log files contain unstructured text data, analyzing them can be painful. Though modern tools can help you analyze all types of structured and unstructured logs, doing so can take time and is often error prone. It’s easier for   to process or parse logs when they’re formatted in a familiar and standard manner. Therefore, you should consider converting your unstructured data into a structured log format such as JSON. When written in a common format, logs help you get faster results for search queries during troubleshooting.


Try for something which seems possible, like going for upgrading drivers and stuff.


Thank you guy' s this means a lot. It fixed my issue.

Remote issue happened when you are not with friends circle much.  So to get there you-must visit online firms and seek help.


Which tool would be beneficial for analyzing my internet marketing website.? How to check logs continuously and how to convert unstructed data to structure data?

The best tool to analyze your internet marketing website is called the Google Analytics Tool. 

How to check logs continuously? You'll learn to identify the types of errors that occur most often, how

How do I monitor system logs?
Name of the event log you are monitoring.

To configure the Monitor Event Log activity,
  1. From the Activity pane, drag a Monitor Event Log activity to the runbook.
  2. Double-click the Monitor Event Log activity icon to open the Properties dialog box.
  3. Configure the settings on the Details tab and on the Advanced tab.

Server log management can help you analyze internal security policies and demonstrate compliance with industry auditors. That’s why SolarWinds® Security Event Manager’s (SEM) server log management tool was built to generate over 200 standard and industry-specific reports, designed to help your team make better decisions about your organization's security practices





I definitely try this coz i have facing  this issue long time , ifyou could tell how to fix this web page san diego web design

it would be a great help.

