cybersource APIs
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User/Pass Authentication using RESTful WCF & Windows Forms

What is the best approach to implementing authorisation/authentication for a Windows Forms app talking to an IIS-hosted RESTful WCF Service?The reason I ask is I am very confused, after sifting through different articles and posts expressing a differ...

How to specify device fingerprint id in Cybersource REST API?

I'm trying to integrate CyberSource's REST API into a Django (Python) application. I'm following this GitHub example /echatrandom example. It works like a charm but it is not clear to me from the example or from the documentation /echatspin how to sp...

Implement cybersource silent order post with ajax

I am using cybersource silent order post inside magento one page checkout. I want to do ajax post to " /voojioshagle" . But it's giving me below error:- "XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://tests...

About Deleting Default Customer's Payment Method in TMS

When using CyberSource REST API, I cannot delete a Customer's Payment Method if that method is the default one.Could someone confirm for is it possible to delete a customer's default payment method in TMS using REST API?The Error Message:"Action cann...

Using GooglePay with CyberSource Gateway

I'm currently using the PHP Simple Order Api REST client developers guides found on

Create a credit card payment process using CyberSource

I want to create a credit card payment process but I can not accept card details on application screen because of PCI compliance issue. My application uses CyberSource as payment processor. We are using simple order API. In the current process of my ...

User/Pass Authentication using RESTful WCF & Windows Forms

What is the best approach to implementing authorisation/authentication for a Windows Forms app talking to an IIS-hosted RESTful WCF Service?The reason I ask is I am very confused, after sifting through different articles and posts expressing a differ...


Urgent production issues with Cybersource API for Worldpay

Hi - we have raised the following issues with Cybersource Tech but aren't getting any responses. This is urgent as we have to migrate from worldpay online payments to this API next week. We raised these issues but am getting no responses. This is cri...

Cybersource Hosted Order Page Integration

I want to integrate cybersource as a HOP i.e. the user will be redirected to the service provider to complete the payment. I am not able to find proper APIs for generating the hosted order pay for redirecting the user. Have gone through a documentati...


EBC Error - Request ID not found

We are in test/Sandbox using the Rest API to charge cards, and Secure Acceptance to secure cards. Both, when appearing as transactions in EBC are showing up as not found - Unable to Load Transaction DataWe were unable to locate data associated with t...

How to specify device fingerprint id in Cybersource REST API

I'm trying to integrate CyberSource's REST API into a Django (Python) application. I'm following this GitHub example /echatspin example. It works like a charm but it is not clear to me from the example or from the documentation /echatrandom how to sp...


Create Payment Profile from transaction

I have a form to client my client's credit card information which includes a "Save Card" option for future purchases. When creating the transaction, I am using the createProfile option in the createTransactionRequest to create the Customer and Paymen...

Credit card authorization error on Sandbox Account Solved

Hi,I'm getting the following error whenever I try and make a credit card authorization on my sandbox account."The following property is either invalid or missing: merchant_category_code, usd_outlet_id, usd_terminal_id"It seems to be the same problem ...

HTTP Signature - Authentication Failed

Hello Community - I am wondering is there are any logs or anything I can look at to why my Authentication Failed? I am getting this response below...{"response":{"rmsg":"Authentication Failed"}}My calls from postman are working and redoing all of the...

Cancelling/refund a transaction using CyberSource API in .NET

I am using the CyberSource API for Payment Gateway. I went through all the documentations that are available and came up with the following code:First I added the service reference to CyberSource using url

CyberSource card number encryption (RSA-OAEP-256)

Is there anyone know here how do I encrypt card number in cybersource?i tried to encrypt mine using online RSAOAEP encryption tool but i got this response{ "responseStatus": { "status": 400, "reason": "DECRYPTION_ERROR", "message": "Cannot decrypt PA...

Certificate signature validation failed

My company runs an old application built in ColdFusion MX7.0.2, running Java 1.4.2. I can't upgrade ColdFusion because CyberSource doesn't support anything higher than MX7.When calling the CyberSource Simple Order API (

Cybersource Instrument Identifier vs Payment Instrument tokens

I'm currently looking into Cybersource's REST API for the tokenization of cards.However, I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the following and could use some advice from those who have already worked with Cybersource and are more familiar...