Hello, I am thinking of using the SIM to perform transactions. What is
the cost per transaction, I thought paypal is 6% what isauthorize.net?
Ok I am getting valid response data back in the url_response however I
want to avoid the below. I want to demo the full loop. I am posting to
the authorize.net test server. I am assuming this error message will not
be seen if its a real merchant acco...
Ok I get the relay response back to my server and the values are what I
expect. all good. However I still seemerchant error message. An error
occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An
e-mail has been sent to the merchant in...
Hello, I am trying to understand what is happening with the issue of
url_relay response failing. I am providing a validdomain name residing
on port 80. I am posting to the test server. I receive the below from
what I gathered from other posts is due ...