FWIW - per RFC 5.1.1 the Method token (verb) is case sensitive and
should always be capitalized -
http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html. No idea why our
developer (or yours of course :-) chose not to completely capitalize it,
but obvi...
Hi All, This may be unrelated, but since the cert update on 7/24, all of
my previously functioning sites using the AIM gateway started failing
with a 403 error. I finally resolved the issue today by changing the
verb "Post" to "POST" in the http requ...
Hi Philip, I may have unearthed the problem that we were both
experiencing. Please try capitalizing your "post" verb to "POST" in the
http request open() call. This solved the problem for me with no further
changes necessary. FWIW, after spending upw...
Hi RIchard, Sorry to sound like a knucklehead, but this is stuff that I
inherited that someone else originally deployed. So I don't really know
anything about sandbox or SSL negotiation logs. If by the sandbox you
mean using https://test.authorize.ne...
I am in exactly the same situation with one of my client's sites.
Classic ASP/IIS 6/Windows Server 2003. The payment gateway has been
operational for years. Starting Thursday 7/24/2014, transactions fail
with status 403 (Forbidden). What has changed ...