People on this bulletin board began posting HELP!! messages a few hours
after the switch.Some of these messages have about 500 views.I posted a
note about fixing a CENTOS server 48 hours after the switch. That had 45
views in 30 minutes.What does tha...
You introduce changes to your platformThat you know IN ADVANCEWill cause
many of your customers to FAIL. WHEN they failthe failures can't be
fixed by the merchantor the webmasteror program coderNOT even the
hosting company tech support can make the f...
To continue my previous message:The CURL changes were for the CURL used
in AIM type code.You can downlad the pem file as I edited it from my
server here:
How I fixed my problems on a Centos Server. First of, there IS NO
SUPPORT. You are on your own.If you get something working, be nice to
your colleagues and Post it here. I was sent chasing up a dozen blind
alleys. Authnet has made 2 changes:Security ...