I'm using a https POST request with SOAP to call the getSettledBatchList
service. I'm getting back a Bad Request 400 response. Why? Here's the
request: myusernamemytranskeytrue2016-05-01T00:00:01Z2016-05-31T23:59:59Z
posting to:https://api2.authorize.net/soap/v1/Service.asmx Sent from a
database application (4D) that has an HTTP REQUEST command. I get an
abbreviated error when I do the actual request: Error 400 Bad Request. I
get the fuller error ("You don't have...
More info: Adding a trace resulted in this message: You don't have
permission to access "http://api2.authorize.net/soap/v1/Service.asmx" on
this server. (I am using the https version of the URL, so I don't know
why the error message says http.)