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since ‎05-02-2017

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  • 2 Replies
  • 1 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
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My eCheck account has limits for Monthly Transaction Volume as well as Largest Transaction Size. It would be nice to be able to retrieve those limitations via your API.
My eCheck account has limits set by underwriting for:* Largest Transaction Size* Monthly Sales Volume So... is there a method in the API for me to call values related to my underwriting restrictions? * Largest Transaction Size* Maximum Monthly Sales ...
I'm attempting to update a CustomerPaymentProfile with validationMode = liveMode. It fails because echeck doesn't seem to support this. Is there any way for me to check if liveMode is supported before attempting an update with validationMode = liveMo...
I created a CustomerPaymentProfile (id=1503937419) in the sandbox using the code below. validationMode was set to 'liveMode', but there are no voided transactions in the sandbox. Why did it not validate the card? Here's my enum:from enum import Enum ...
I'm successfully able to use the GitHub code to create an ARB. I see on my sandbox page the Subscription ID (circled in red above). Where is the Subscription ID in the controller.getresponse() object? If that's not an available field, how do I retrie...
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