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since ‎08-11-2017

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I have set up the webhook notification found Here that responds a api response of (example): { "notificationId": "d0e8e7fe-c3e7-4add-a480-27bc5ce28a18", "eventType": "net.authorize.payment.authcapture.created", "eventDate": "2017-03-29T20:48:02.00800...
I saw that I can now turn on Automatic Retry Recurring Billing, but I'm trying to figure out how to do this via the API. If I turn on ARRB, and a transaction fails, it goes to suspended, if nothing changes on the customer's card, say they didn't have...
Hello,I currently am trying, just like and paypal do, to have authorize retry failed payments before the next subscription payment date. I saw that recently authorize now offers Automatic Retry Recurring Billing, unfortunatly this does not...
I'm currently charging a customer and then trying to create a customer profile based on that charge. The problem is that when I try and actually create the customer it fails, telling me that there is no response and instead prints out `AttributeError...
I'm trying to create a subscription. There is this python gist The problem is this does it with the credit card info. I'm trying to use the accept.js and pass that to make the subscription. Is there a sample code of this?
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