Hi, On your EMV Chip FAQ page it says that support for Paymenttech will
be in 2018. Can I get an update on if that is available yet? And could I
get an update on Global, Elavon, WorldPay, and EVO? Thanks,Jacob
Hi, At the pos portal it says that purchasing test devices will be
coming soon. Could I please get a more specific time when that will be
available? Thanks,Jacob
Using the Inperson-SDK-Windows is there anyway to generate a
customerPaymentProfileId on a card using either EMV or swipe without
having to charge a card? Is doing a $0.00 transaction okay? Would it
cost money to do it this way?
In a different forum post it was stated that the same Payment Gateway
account could be used for EMV transactions on multiple
devices/terminals. I have a few follow up questions based on that: When
you say a single Payment Gateway account does this me...
Thank you for the very detailed answer! I apologize for not fully
detailing my question. I am using the inperson-windows-sdk to make EMV
payments on desktop PCs. I am still confused about how to use Device
IDs. Before making a payment I have to pass ...
I am trying to set up a similar scenario and have a couple questions.
When you say a single Payment Gateway account does this mean each
computer can use the same LoginID and Password? Also, what do you
recommend to use as a Device ID? Would that be t...