I don't have any code for Transactions. I briefly looked at the sample
code but didn't find anything appropriate. My code is directed at
charging cards. You could try working with MSXML2 methods and
properties, e.g. responseXML. If you have any succe...
Actually I built a complete set of Class modules which are referenced
from my application. This way I can fill out the request to
Authorize.Net with regular looking code and not a lot of string
manipulation in the Form itself. The class also includes...
You are building the post_string something like: Public Sub test() Dim
Post_Url Post_Url = "https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll"
'post_url = "https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll" Dim
post_string As String Dim post_response A...
Yes it is possible. Look at the sample code page. Under the first
heading Advanced Integration Method (AIM) download the AIM - ASP Classic
code. This is actually vb script code (almost VBA). Copy and paste into
a Access module, delete or comment out ...