@lightwave365 The code example provided by authorize use ASCII
Encoding.Also I was running my tests and notice one of the test failed
due to the address field containing special char like "Pinière" which
caused the compare hash to fail.
This is my c# test code incase anyone is interested var epoTime =
(int)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; const
string amount = "1.99", x_fp_sequence = "2627"; var x_fp_timestamp =
epoTime.ToString(); string textToHash =
Finally got the x_fp_hash as well. It turns out the x_fp_timestamp I was
using in my test was too old, it has to be with in 15 mins difference
from authorize's server. After I updated my code to get the current time
it worked.
@lightwave365 using the following key and text should produce this
x_SHA2_Hash. Hope this help. key
text = "^0^false^3^...
@cwdslmy working C# code for computing hash for x_SHA2_Hash