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since ‎08-01-2013

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  • 47 Replies
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Help! We are using ampersands in our cancel URL and submit URL and the payment form is failing to load! We need to build a URL with multiple GET parameters to have proper security with the cancel and submission of orders on our website. Which means w...
Could someone please tell me why this is spaming our logs from the AuthorizeNet Java SDK? This is very bothersome for our customers. We use the AcceptHosted method and poll every 10 seconds for unsettled transactions. [2020-05-07 10:44:47,089] [ WARN...
I am in the process of setting max character limits for fields that we will let our customers modify to meet their needs. When I send this over as a merchant name using the Java SDK for Accept Hosted: "Dunder Mifflin How much text can we fit in here ...
We are not sure exactly when this started happening, but whenever we try to redirect to an AuthorizeNet payment form there is a 550 error using this URL: We know SIM is deprecated but as far as we know it shoul...
We are using the SIM implentation to reduce as much liabilty as we can on our end. Recently we were questioned about our PCI compliance. I know that on AuthorizeNet's end their PCI compliance is being handled by Trustwave. But is there a list of step...
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