Is there times when the first payment can be declined and NOT go into
suspended mode? It seems that just happened in my developement
environment but I thought if the first payment was declined the arb
would always be suspended. Please clarify, thanks...
@TechStu wrote:The original post says "Updating payment info sets
subscription STATUS back to ACTIVE and the NEXT DAY at 2AM there is
another attempt to process, no matter when the next subscription payment
should run." I could not find this anywhere...
@Michelle wrote: If you update a suspended subscription, the next
payment will run according to the next payment date. So in your example,
if you update it Wednesday, the next payment would run in a year from
now. In the test environment this does no...
I could be wrong but I think your only option is to consider using the
CIM integration to save the credit card details. Do a AUTH_ONLY for the
partial amount and then when the time comes, use the stored card to do a
AUTH_CATPURE on the entire amount....