SO according to you, If we test test account with ecommerce website,we
ahve to set teat account as " Card NOT Present account" If yes then can
you please suggest me where to chnage Card Present Account to " Card NOT
Present account".
I have set test mode on my test account. My test account is Card Present
Account you cna see my screenshot.
Please check attached screenshot. Ihave set test mode No. but still it no...
I have used creditcard no. 4222222222222 when I test with
test account I am getting error. I am getting error: Gateway error:
(TESTMODE) Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this
system. URL:
yes I am using zip code 46225 Credit card no: 411111111111111 I have
integrate partial authorization in magento. but I can not test it in
test mode. I am getting error: Gateway error: (TESTMODE) Transactions of
this market type cannot be processed on...