You may want to check out the forums with Firefox 3.6. It isn't rendering properly.
01-25-2010 10:30 AM
Firefox definitely has the active extension writing community going for it. The version of Chrome they just released now supports extensions, but it will be some time before they have the breadth of them available that Firefox has.
While anecdotal, I will say that the only time I have ever been hit with a "drive-by" virus was when using Firefox. In fact, that is the only clear case of attempted infection i have experienced in the last 4-5 years, and the vast majority of that time was without any form of anti-virus software installed (since my usage habits rarely expose me to viruses, and I have a good deal of experience manually detecting and removing them in client machines, when I consider the heavy resource toll that AV software imposes, it seems more like a cure-is-worse-than-the-problem situation).
01-27-2010 10:37 AM
I read an article yesterday about kits that are available that automate the creation and monitoring of drive-by malware. The kit will not only install the malware on your website but track which exploit was the most successful and what browser versions where affected. It includes exploits for IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome as well as Flash and Acrobat flaws. If someone implements one of these kits, unless you're system is fully patched, if you visit an infected site you're doomed.
And I agree with you about anti-virus vs. smart browsing. I rarely find myself in any kind of trouble, it's been years since I've had a bug on my system, and its due to my web smarts more then my virus protection. Plus it seems the majority of the systems I find myself cleaning up had anti-virus installed. It just didn't matter as the exploit went right by it like it wasn't even there. (ironically enough a lot of the stuff I have to clean up are fake anti-viruses).
01-27-2010 10:53 AM
Sounds like I really need to try Chrome at the very least! Some of the IT guys here keep berating me for not having tried it yet, but I guess I should get around to it. :smileytongue:
Hey so my Firefox looks like it's back to yours John?
01-29-2010 01:51 PM
Yep. It's back to normal. :)
01-29-2010 02:49 PM
Ok great, thanks. Although my iPhone is still not rendering properly....but hey, they got the most important one fixed! I'll update you all on when the iPhone fix is ready.
01-29-2010 03:26 PM